Greetings Moojomoore,
I don’t know if the issue is already resolved, but you can change this in the theme-fuctions.php file.
You can find the following function there.
function tempera_site_info() {
$temperas = tempera_get_theme_options();
foreach ($temperas as $key => $value) { ${“$key”} = $value ; } ?>
*/<span style=”display:block;float:right;text-align:right;padding:5px 20px 5px;text-transform:uppercase;font-size:11px;visibility:hidden;”>
<?php _e(‘Powered by’,’tempera’)?> ” title=”<?php echo ‘Tempera Theme by ‘.
‘Cryout Creations’;?>”><?php echo ‘Tempera’ ?> & “
title=”<?php esc_attr_e(‘Semantic Personal Publishing Platform’, ‘tempera’); ?>”> <?php printf(‘ %s.’, ‘WordPress’ ); ?>
</span>/*<!– #site-info –>
} // tempera_site_info()
You can make the powered by invisible by altering this function by adding visibility:hidden; to the span style,
or you can change the powered by inside the php tags to whatever you like.
I hope this information was helpfull to you. I am only a recently started webdeveloper.