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  • OVH doesn’t generate the error as a normal Apache setup does… I only get an ominous “Error 503 Backend fetch failed, yadda yadda”.

    Probably due to the Cache system my client is using but I’m not familiar enough with OVH to start fiddling on their system to switch it to “regular” error reporting.

    However, from my experience, 503 error are PHP based, and so your error seems pretty accurate! If I have some time, I’ll try to setup Gamipress on another website and see how it fares within Divi in an environment I have more control on.

    I seem to have similar symptoms, and was able to narrow it down to the “[gamipress_user_rank]” and the “[gamipress_ranks]” shortcodes.

    Alas, I don’t have error logs, OVH’s Cloud doesn’t seem to let me generate some of those.

    I isolated that it seems to be specific to DIVI actually, since the shortcodes (both gamipress_user_rank and gamipress_ranks) works just fine on the base twenty-one theme…

    I will try to have a chat with Divi’s support… But since it was working prior to 5.8, I’m guessing there is something else behind all this.

    In the meantime, I suggest you remove the shortcodes from your pages. If you cannot safely edit the page, remove them from the Database – make a backup first!

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by Nickolabs. Reason: gamipress_ranks shortcode also affected
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by Nickolabs.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by Nickolabs.

    At the VERY END of the code you pasted 9.25 22.5z"">, you have two sets of double quotes (“). Instead it should be 9.25 22.5z">.

    Though I haven’t looked at the actual code in context, I just installed the plugin and I may be facing similar error…

    EDIT : So looking at the code of /pojo-accessiblity/includes/pojo-a11y-frontend.php, just search for:
    and replace with:

    Also for the sake of letting devs know, I opened a git-hub issue here

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by Nickolabs.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by Nickolabs.

    Good point there @wordninja. Didn’t cause conflict in my setup but never too cautious!

    I have the same issue with the exact same page.

    Cannot change the “Login” page title to something else, nor can I change the password and login string.

    Modifying the PO files didn’t give any results.
    Are the Mo/Po files working properly for the fr_FR language??

    @sarkparanjothi Please, update and fix this issue. I can’t watch over my client’s website every time I update this plugin and having to charge fee for my time I have to spend editing the plugin’s source code!

    To summerize :
    You still need to edit wp-content/plugins/wc-fields-factory/includes/wcff-injector.php file, on line 182 (no longer 142) and add the “var $ = jQuery;” declaration inside the ready(function()). For simplicity’s sake, I parsed the tabulation for display here…

    	var $ = jQuery;
    	$(document).on("change", "[data-has_field_rules=yes]", function(){

    Then you also need to edit the same file at line 645 with @leeshields addition to the fix and replace
    $color_picker_script .= '$(document).ready(function() {if( typeof $.spectrum != "undefined" ){';
    with :
    $color_picker_script .= '$(document).ready(function() {var $=jQuery;if( typeof $.spectrum != “undefined” ){';

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by Nickolabs. Reason: Adding code
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by Nickolabs. Reason: More code

    So following @protostack’s suggestion (thanks!), I edited the wp-content/plugins/wc-fields-factory/includes/wcff-injector.php file, on line 142 and added the “var $ = jQuery;” declaration inside the ready function.

    It works now, but hopefully the next update won’t crush this fix!

    I’m also having the same issue.

    WC : 3.3.5 and
    WP : 4.9.6.

    I believe it’s a jQuery conflit. I noticed the Quantity button were also not working properly. When disabling the display of the custom fields from WC Field Factory, everything (quantity buttons and image included) loads and works fine.

    This seems to only occurs when I use the “Use 503 file in theme” options.

    If I was to use the default maintenance mode templates, it works.

    Edit: Upon further debugging, I found out the two lines that were breaking the two things for me:

    wp_admin_css( 'login', true );
    wp_admin_css( 'colors-fresh', true );

    I commented those out, which broke my style. Then, I simply went to the wp-login file of my server, and grabbed those two lines:

    <link rel='stylesheet' id='wp-admin-css'  href='' type='text/css' media='all' />
    <link rel='stylesheet' id='colors-fresh-css'  href='' type='text/css' media='all' />

    and placed those CSS link instead of the wp_admin_css calls.

    My layout isn’t quite the best anymore, still got a few issue with CSS priorities, but adding a few !important statement might do it.
    That is, until they fix that broken plugin.

    Hope that helps!

    I’m in the process of upgrading the server to PHP 5 (at least, I made the resquest, the server was still in PHP 4.4.2), and that may be the issue here… hopefully.

    I’ll keep you guys posted… If anyone comes up with a fix, reply here too, I’ll be notified by email.

    haha, not much choice… The thing is live and I need that fixed asap.

    It does seems to me the webhost is the cause behind this, but I assume I’m not the only person with a client under a strict shared environment, so the bug might occurs for others… others who won’t post here to tell about it and simply delete the whole plugin instead and go for another solution (Gravity Forms and Wufoo comes to mind).

    I tried the following:

    I disabled the deletion of the file (see modules/file.php ~ line 340);
    I also changed the CHMOD call so it sets the file permission to 0775 instead of 0400 (see modules/file.php ~ line 188);
    I even added a @chown call under it to hardcode my owner directly…

    I did another test, to check if the chmod was working: I created a temp php file simply calling the following:

    $filename = '/ABSOLUTE/SERVER/PATH/public_html/wp-content/uploads/wpcf7_uploads/MyTARGETFILE.pdf';
    chown($filename, 'MyUSER');
    chmod($filename, 0775);

    No success, file uploaded are still under the owner/group “nobody” in my FTP and I cannot download them or delete them and chmod/chown do not have any effect (I’ll contact the webhost about that).

    My issue here is that the PHP running WordPress as a CMS doesn’t have root access, since the client’s website is in a shared environment.

    Any ideas? I’m stuck with a bug on a live website and it’s tiring on my nerve…

    “Email (2)” section enable you to send the email to another recipient, for example, the requester. Simply specify his address in the “TO” field ([your-email] shortcode, or maybe “[email protected]”).

    There isn’t any “don’t send me the email” option, as far as I know.

    Indeed, the plugin normally delete the files in the temporary folder (default “wpcf7_uploads”).

    Thos problems are related: CF7 cannot delete the files, since they are under another ftp owner/group, hence it cannot place them as email attachment either.

    The thing is, I don’t know why CF7 wouldn’t uploads those files under the same owner/group as WordPress itself, or using the FTP_USER in wp-config.php…

    Nope… I’m stuck like you guys.

    The problem is that I’m using this plugin for Jobs offerings, and people can’t upload their CV… I’ll have to manually get those from the folder and forward the email to the client, along with the CV…

    Weird thing is that I’m using the plugin on another website infrastructure with uploads and all just fine.

    I’m guessing that the plugin simply ignores the “FTP_HOST”, “FTP_USER”, “FTP_PASS” settings in the wp-config.php file.

    I hope this get fixed quickly.

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