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  • Plugin Contributor nick6352683


    I have not test this, but from the top of my head: How about using the ceil function… and 2 calculated fields?

    By using your example, let’s get the 12,235 and divide it by 1000. The calculated value now should be 12.235. By using the ceil function ceil(12.235) it will return 13. To this calculation add a multiplication of 1000, and we should get 13,000.

    Again, I have NOT tested this, but I have a good feeling about it !!!

    Of course, instead of the actual numbers, you probably will have to use ACF numeric field names.

    Thread Starter nick6352683


    That did the trick, and I’m now testing with WP RC2, on a fresh site with Woocommerce installed.

    As a long time user of this plugin, I was in a bad mood that I had to finally had to abandon it (I was the 5th person who gave it 5 stars almost 4 years ago. I had not realized that each user could have their own settings, as most plugins, when you configure the settings it’s applies to all, unless there is a section to configure for each user role. For those who are wondering: The admins get a settings page from the WP’s Settings menu, which of course other roles can’t see, like an editor. For all other non admin users you can access the EditorsKit settings from the Gutenberg’s settings, while you are editing a post/page/cpt.

    To be honest Munir, as this point, as Gutenberg is filling a lot of the gaps that this and many other plugins were closing, the only real thing that is invaluable to me, is the ability to code my custom classes names, especially when I have many of them in my custom themes. Some of the Editorskit settings are no longer needed, so I need to re-evaluate and test which settings I need, but for the time being the only function that I will be keeping, is the CSS classes autofill feature, no other plugin does that, and it’s simply ingenious.

    Thanks for making my day !!!

    Thread Starter nick6352683


    It’s a hybrid theme (Block theme + Classic Widgets + Classic Menu + Customizer) that I created. I can share the code with you, but the editor here in not letting me paste it…

    Thread Starter nick6352683


    Thank you !

    Thread Starter nick6352683


    Update: The issue can be resolved by adding a metabox, any metabox, This was discussed here and here

    That said, hopefully this is going to be resolved by the Gutenberg dev. team. I also think that this only affects FSE themes, and not classic themes, although I did not test that yet.

    Plugin Contributor nick6352683


    From the image, it looks like you are using a Repeater field, which it’s name is unknown to me, so I use use the name “repeater_name” for now.

    • The comparison formula should go in the “Bigger Weight” field.

    But all that probably does not matter at this point because the Max function is an aggression function. Meaning that you can get the Max. value in a column and not values from a row (which is what you are trying to do). Also, your referencing the subfields were incorrect too. When it comes to referencing subfields, you do it like this – Max(repeater_name.weight). I don’t think you can have 2 subfields inside the Max function (I have not tested this).

    After saying all that, unless I’m missing something, what you want, cannot be done with this plugin. You have to use php and create a loop for the Repeater field, and in each cycle get the values of the 2 subfields (weight, and volumetric_weight), have an if/else condition to get which value is greater, also check if the numbers are equal, and set the resulting value in the Bigger Weight subfield. At this point, the resulting data will only be shown on the front end, so if you want to also be saved in the database, you have to do the extra step and save it to the database. The loop will keep doing this until the Repeater field runs out of records (rows).

    If I can think of a way to accomplish what you want with this plugin, I’ll let you know here, but without testing things out, just thinking out loud, I cannot think there is any way to do what you want, you have to do things manually with php I’m afraid.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by nick6352683.
    Plugin Contributor nick6352683


    It’s very strange that it stops working after a week. Did anything change? Update a plugin, or installed a new one, or changed the theme? That should not happen. That setting is pretty static, it either works or not !

    Anyway, the second method, which I rely on more, I use that in the template file. In my case,

    FYI, I use Gutenberg instead of a physical file, simply because I can use the Group, Columns, etc… blocks for the layouts, and use the plugin phpeverywhere – to add any php code to display or do other php functions necessary. To be exact, with ACF, I have created ACF Blocks, to display Meta Data from Meta Boxes, and the only field that I still don’t have a block solution is the Repeater field. So really, I only use phpeverywhere to display Repeater fields. Any other fields, Text, Calculated fields, images, relationships, etc… I use my custom ACF Blocks to display them on the front end. In fact, I use FSE themes, so instead of using Reusable blocks for each post, I simply create FSE templates and all works out very nicely, and by using Gutenberg, it is the easiest way not only to create the templates, but in the future to make layout changes, or simply adding new fields to the project. Many totally dislike Gutenberg, but for me it is God sent – not perfect yet, but getting a lot better !

    Plugin Contributor nick6352683


    In the Number Format field you can use something like %0.2F which will display in 2 decimal places. If that does not work for you, you can always use php to format the number in the template file like this:

    <?php $temp1 = get_sub_field('subtotal');

    echo number_format($temp1,2); ?>

    The field I’m formatting in this example is “subtotal”, I’m placing it’s value in the variavle $temp1, and then I’m formatting that variable to have 2 decimal points. You can adjust the code to suit your needs.

    Good Luck,


    Plugin Contributor nick6352683


    Hi Olga,

    I personally have no use of the flexible field, so I never use it, … that said, if I had to guess, you have to treat it just like you would a Repeater field (look docs.). If that does not work, try downgrading this plugin to version 1.3 (that’s the newest version that I’m having success with), and see if that works.

    Let me know if it works or not, so we can go from there.

    Plugin Contributor nick6352683


    My latest test was ACF Pro 6.03, WP 6.1, WP 6.1 RC5, and Calculated Fields 1.3 !!!

    Personally, any version newer than Cacl. Fields v1.3 I encounter issues like the one you mentioned. So, to begin with, downgrade to v1.3 and see if that fixed your issue.

    Also, there might be a possibility that another plugin or your theme is causing this the issue. So if downgrading is not something you are willing to so, test things with no plugins (except Calc. Fields) and one of the default themes.

    Let me know how things work out please, and good luck. I don’t think you using an older version of ACF Pro is the issue here, I really think, the newer versions of Calc. Fields do not play well with the latest Gutenberg versions, and me as a mere contributor, there is very little I can do besides giving some advice. As a theme and other plugin developer, I do share the other devs. frustrations as many things need changing and fixing withy our code with almost every new Gutenberg update, which is every two weeks.

    Plugin Contributor nick6352683


    I think I spoke too soon. The fix by renaming that js file works for regular number fields without any issues, but it does not work with calculations involving Repeater Sub Fields. With the subfields the calculations are correctly done, and displayed in the backend, but are not stored on the front end since the calculated fields are unabled to be stored in the database.

    Unfortunately, or fortunately reverting back to version 1.3 everything works fine again….

    Plugin Contributor nick6352683


    Sorry for the delay, I can now confirm that renaming that file fixes the issue. I will wait a few days for the actual developers to update the plugin, as I have no access to do so, and if nothing is done, I will make sure with the moderators that I will not be breaking some rules of theirs, and create a sticky post in the support pages and put an external link for the fixed update of the plugin. That’s all I can do for now…

    But really, thanks to you @elyfornoville , I can update and use the latest version of the plugin finally now… Thanks a million !!!

    Plugin Contributor nick6352683


    Thanks, I’ll verify your solution tomorrow and report back here…

    Plugin Contributor nick6352683


    Sorry I just saw this by accident, I never received an email… If I (Nick) don’t respond, track me down at slack or email me directly… these info. are on my profile page.

    Anyway, back to the question on hand – AND LET ME BE CLEAR, I did not try this, so It’s just an idea that I got within 15 seconds…

    So, I’m guessing these “tick boxes” you are referring to are checkboxes, and the whole setup is within a Repeater field. If that’s the case, let’s try this:

    1. On one column have your checkboxes.
    2. On the next column have a numeric field, with the condition to be displayed if the corresponding checkbox is checked (clicked). Since you want this to be a constant number not to be changed, make it read only, this plugin can do that for you…
    3. The problem is that any row that is not checked, the second column instead of having a numeric field (0), it will be blank. If things are working so far, or you don’t care about the blank rows, good, otherwise we have to modify our thinking I suppose…


    Plugin Contributor nick6352683


    I’m glad you get it working. I wonder why in some cases (like mine) I had to roll back to v1.3, and in some cases (like this one) has to roll all the way back to 1.2.4, and in some cases the latest update does the trick.

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