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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [liveTV Bundle] [Plugin: liveTV Bundle] Problem to turn Online the thumbnailI had this issue and it turned out to be a blank space before one of my stream names
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [liveTV Bundle] [Plugin: liveTV Bundle] Twitch chat too small ARRAYHow did you enable twitch chat? All I see is that quakenet option.
No problem, I know it’s a bit of a dirty fix. My thread on this is here :
The only error I found in debug mode was :
Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home/mnichols/opspedia/bp1.2upgrade/var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-activity.php:246) in /home/mnichols/opspedia/bp1.2upgrade/var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/events-manager/classes/em-notices.php on line 11
Checked for blank spaces and all the usual “headers already sent” junk, did not find anything. The strange part is that the notifications work when I am in debug mode.
Changed event-editor.php line 47 to :
<?php echo $EM_Notices; $message = $_SESSION['EM_Success']; echo $message; add_action('wp_footer','remove_status'); function remove_status() { if($_POST['event_name'] == null) { $_SESSION['EM_Success'] = ''; } } ?>
Changed em-event line 404 to:
$this->feedback_message = __ ( 'New recurrent event inserted!', 'dbem' ); return apply_filters('em_event_save', true, $this); $_SESSION['EM_Success'] = 'New recurrent event inserted!'; } //Successful individual save $this->feedback_message = __ ( 'New event successfully inserted!', 'dbem' ); $_SESSION['EM_Success'] = 'New event successfully inserted!';
Basically, When event is saved, save notice to $_SESSION[‘EM_Success’], when you load the editor, if $_SESSION[‘EM_Success’] has a value print it out. If the user did not just submit a new event clear $_SESSION[‘EM_Success’]
I have this issue as well with my BuddyPress install. I tried saving the success message as an error as those seem to show up, but still no dice. It works in a fresh install so it must be theme related but I just can’t pin it down.
To patch it for now, I just save the success notification in a session variable, print it to the screen, then clear the variable. I will dig up the code.
Ok so I have a hacked up version working for now. In the event object’s save function I populate a session variable and echo that out on the edit page. I will use this until I can figure out the root problem.
The line from /plugins/buddypress/bp-activity.php:246 is
$has_access = apply_filters( 'bp_activity_permalink_access', $has_access, &$activity );
The line from /events-manager/classes/em-notices.php on line 11 is
Nothing in my install is using the filter bp_activity_permalink_access
Ok so, if I put wordpress into debug mode it works and I get notifications, once out of debug mode it stops working.
When in debug mode I get the error:
Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home/mnichols/opspedia/bp1.2upgrade/var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-activity.php:246) in /home/mnichols/opspedia/bp1.2upgrade/var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/events-manager/classes/em-notices.php on line 11
Any ideas?
Marcus thanks for testing this, I will try a fresh wordpress install with the latest buddypress and events manager and test it again. Must be something about my wordpress setup, as even the bp-default theme has this issue for me.
Tried updating EM but it did not resolve the problem
What version is the BP version? I thought Events Manager had buddypress integration build in as the version I have has a buddypress folder and appropriate templates. Right now I am using Events Manager version 4.0.82
Just tested that and I get the same thing. I get notices about validation, but no “Event Saved” notification.
Now, this hard codes the non-drop down mode, but you could easily drop in a
$use_select_for_locations = get_option('dbem_use_select_for_locations');
I fixed this by coping the form from em-event.php into event-editor.php, event-editor.php became:
[Code moderated as per the Forum Rules. Please use the pastebin]
After this I had a problem where when I make a new location in the new event form it was not saving as my location, rather it was under “All Locations”. I fixed this by making a change in the em-location.php file in the classes folder, adding this to line 32 right before I save a new location.
if($this->id == ''){ $this->owner = get_current_user_id(); }
Looks like em-event.php checks for that setting, but event-editor.php does not. So whenever I am editing or creating I am forced to use the drop down.