Unfortunately, there are still some problems with urlwrap. Briefly:
A. All entries with URLs end with two full-stops instead of one.
B. Many entries which really do have URLs which are not urlwrapped and which vanish from view.
On inspection, the failed urlwraps seem to fall into six classes:
1. URLS ending .htm
2. URLs ending .pdf
3. URLs pointing to directories rather than directly to files, that is those ending in /
4. URLs which take a directive, eg.
5. URLS for entries for which the Zotero Item Type is coded as Web Page
6. Mysteries in which I can discern no pattern.
I really appreciate you efforts to resolve this and can only imagine how frustrating it must be for you dealing with all the various cases which must be dealt with.
I will email you directly in more detail and with a few examples.