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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] Issue after updateFor anyone else that was struggling with this and trying to figure out what was wrong, we have a theme and/or plugin that refactored the HTML output from the form so that it could be more easily styled and laid out. However this meant removing span tags.
The validation specifically and in hard fashion sets the selector that it is looking to insert the error message into as a span tag, with two classes of “wpcf7-form-control-wrap” and the name of the field you’re using.
As a result we needed to use the filter “wpcf7_feedback_response” and loop through $response[‘invalid_fields’] to change the “into” array value to the kind of selector our refactored HTML would be using.
If you’re getting this error, it’s highly likely that either something is altering your form HTML, or that you have some kind of duplication or HTML validation issue with the form you have saved.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] Please remove span wrapping !Yes, please, at least allow for a checkbox or something to not add all this extra mark up. I don’t need the plugin presuming that I need spans or paragraphs or breaks!
OK I found my problem, another plugin was removing the class “woocommerce-checkout” from the form.
It feels to me that it’s not explicit enough in the documentation that for the functionality to work via stripe.js (or min.js) that you need to have the class of “woocommerce-checkout” on your checkout form. While I understand this is the default class to have on the form, there are lots of things that developers can end up doing and inheriting that can leave them, like me, tearing their hair out looking for a solution in all the wrong places.
Please just list the requirements of the structure of the checkout page, such as the form needing the class “woocommerce-checkout”, so people can quickly check against these basics before anything else without needing to trawl through the code ??
No luck with deactivating, removing, reinstalling and reactivating the plugin. I find it surprising that you can’t replicate this behaviour since I can see that the primary problem is a complete lack of the “stripe_token” POST variable as a “guest” that everything seems to hinge around.
I’ll see about opening a ticket, as I’m sure you understand there are a ton of Data Protection Law issues with just handing over an admin login to you to look for the cause of this problem.
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: Custom Taxonomy and Tax_QueryTo me the problem looks to be the line that say
AND 0 = 1.
Naturally that’s going to give you no results, since it’ll always be false.
A quick search discovers
Which suggests there may be a need to do something a little more intelligent to discover children posts in the right way.
I wonder if this will sort you out?