13 years, 2 months ago
You could try putting all your shop categories under one category called “shop” then use a redirect plugin set to the main category url.
I have the same ?. I’ve hacked the TwentyEleven theme so the site automatically responds to the iframe window. But when I go to check out it won’t open a new window for paypal (which won’t allow it’s site to be iframed).
Any good tips, anyone?
15 years, 1 month ago
has anyone figured out how to get the “User Photo” plugin to actually work with this form?
15 years, 3 months ago
you should just be able to type https://yoururl.whatever/author/whatever-the-user-name-is to get an author page filled with posts from each individual author.
copy and paste everything in the shortcode including the brackets into the page/post “edit” box.
15 years, 9 months ago
Thank you for your reply.
Is there any area in particular I’d need to change?
would I need to change any “registration” widgets such as Register Plus?
try the Theme My Login plugin.
It matches the Login, Register & Lost Password pages to whatever theme you are currently using.
15 years, 11 months ago
mine seems to be working fine. Did you upload the entire theme folder to the wp-content/themes directory on your site?