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I can see the filter feature “offset” is included in the PRO version of Contents View. A list of the differences between the standard Content Views and the Pro version can be found at
Consequently I don’t think it will be featuring in the standard version in future, unless the authors decide otherwise.
Hope that helps
Hi, put this in the CSS customisation section of your theme.
.pt-cv-wrapper .btn-success { Your preferences for the read more button in here for normal view }
.pt-cv-wrapper .btn-success:hover { Your preferences for mouse cursor hover }
.pt-cv-wrapper .btn-success:visited { Your preferences in here after visit}For Example: if you wanted the read more text red, background black
.pt-cv-wrapper .btn-success {color:#ff0000;background-color:#000000}Hope that helps -Regards Neil
Glad that worked for you.
The inspector must highlight just the thumbnail, not the whole CV section. You will then see the individual pt-cv-thumbnail section highlighted inthe Firefox inspector section -so you can right click and choose the CSS Selector.
As per my previous example to hide the 5th post in the blog I think this would work-so you can adapt it as required. Note: Firefox inspector is highlighting the “pt-cv-ifield” for the 5th thumbnail
@media screen and (min-width:55.875em) { #pt-cv-view-0e7aab3kcx div.col-md-4:nth-child(5) > div:nth-child(1) {display:none} }
Hope that all makes sense
Hope I have understood things. If you inspect the CSS selectors relating to the 17 Content View thumbnails on your home page BLOG you get ;div.col-md-4:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(1) > a:nth-child(1) > img:nth-child(1)
through to…….
div.col-md-4:nth-child(17) > div:nth-child(1) > a:nth-child(1) > img:nth-child(1)So as an example: to change the 5th thumbnail of the BLOG on the homepage with what you want try this CSS:
#pt-cv-view-0e7aab3kcx div.col-md-4:nth-child(5) > div:nth-child(1) > a:nth-child(1) > img:nth-child(1)
{border: 10px #db3200 solid; border-radius: 7px}Hope it works
NeilThe path that needs changing is in the database of the current website. The database table that contains the wrong info is the _postmeta table…but you must only change with a plugin like BSR as mentioned above due to serialisation. All hosting packages will show the directory name where your wordpress files are held. As an example thw old server may have /home/xyz123/public_html/ and the mew server migcht have /home/abc789/piblic_html
You cant create a new content view or see existing ones until the database is sorted
By the way Content Views Pro customers can get support at; [email protected]
Think they might charge for anything not related to their plugin, like this
NeolHi, a straight database export and import to a different server will not fully work. It will leave incorrect values in one of the database tables. To fix you need to know the old server home directory path and the new server home directory path, then change what is needed in the database. Better Search Replace plugin (BSR) can do the chnage and handle serialisation (a complication that makes doing this manually with a program like Notepad++ impractical and time consuming ) but be warned you need to back up your database before you do anything, do a dry run in BSR to check what you’re changing and get your directory paths right.
Hope that helps….shout if not
Regards NeilHi
Could be a database issue….probably related to the server migration. The Database has file/ directory paths so wordpress can find content on the server….when you change server these paths usually need changing….What method did you use to migrate your website from the old server to the mew one ?
A website address would be useful.Regards
NeilOkay, so if it’s not the limit, is the filter category set to show only “uncategorized” posts ? …and the missing older posts were allocated to a specific category so aren’t showing.
For each content view under Filter Settings –> Common there is a “LIMIT” setting. I think the default is intially set to 10 , so that’s probably why you’re older posts aren’t being shown. So just change that and your pagination settings if you want to show more than 3 at a time and you should be fine. Hope that helps
NeilHello Gerd
The way I made the read more buttons align was to (A) Fix the height of the H4 Title (B) fix the height of the content view field and (C) fix the read more button to the bottom of that field. Not a perfect solution, with flaws regarding extra long titles or text character lengths + the need to vary the height with @media to cater for different device widths. You will have to tweak these
.pt-cv-view .pt-cv-title {
margin-bottom: 10px;
height: 40px;
#pt-cv-view-c601cf8q9t .pt-cv-ifield {
height: 365px;
.pt-cv-wrapper .btn-success {
position: absolute;
bottom: 5%;
left: 50%;
transform: translateX(-50%);
}Hope that helps
NeilHi Gerd, The page link you have put is password protected, so can’t see anything.
NeilThe button colours are determined by this CSS in Content Views v2.0.2
.pt-cv-wrapper .btn-success { Your preferences in here for normal view }
.pt-cv-wrapper .btn-success:hover { Your preferences for mouse cursor hover }
.pt-cv-wrapper .btn-success:visited { Your preferences in here after visit}Try this in the CSS customisation section of your theme to change the read more button text color after the link has been visited
.pt-cv-wrapper .btn-success:visited {color:#fff;background-color:#000}
That’s if you wanted the text white and background black after a visit
Hope this helps
NeilHi Joep,
To centre the “Uitgelicht” title you can put this in your CSS.chw-title {
text-align: center;}If you want the other page titles centered something like;
.page-title {
text-align: center;}The background of the widget containing the header & the content views wrapper can be changed:
.chw-widget {background:#fff} #fff is white but you can pick your own “hex colour”.pt-cv-wrapper {background:#fff} would just change the background of the content views wrapper
Widening the widget area is controlled by your Minnow WordPress Theme CSS. Whilst it can be done it would impact on something else so it’s not something I can help you with on this forum.
hope that helps you
NeilThis CSS should hide those categories if they don’t need to appear on ANY page. (If the meta slider doesn’t go full width let me know.)
#categories-7 {display:none}Hi, In your widget area footer/colophon have you got both the categories widget and the valued sponsors widget with meta slider?
Where did categories appear before the update ?