I realize this post is marked “resolved” but I had exactly the same issue and found one more step was necessary. Doing the above fixed all new posts but it broke the thumbnails on all previous posts on the front page and in the archive.
The only solution I found was to add the new code to the old rather than replacing it in index.php as suggested above. Index.php now has this code:
<?php if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) {
the_post_thumbnail( array(105,85));
} ?>
<?php echo get_post_image (get_the_id(), ”, ”, ” .get_bloginfo(‘template_url’) .’/scripts/timthumb.php?zc=1&w=105&h=85&src=’); ?>
In archivelist.php, I did basically the same thing, adding
<?php if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) {
the_post_thumbnail( array(80,65));
} ?>
above this line:
<?php echo get_post_image (get_the_id(), ”, ”, ” .get_bloginfo(‘template_url’) .’/scripts/timthumb.php?zc=1&w=80&h=65&src=’); ?>
So far so good.