Forum Replies Created
Hi Darren,
Any response to this yet? I appreciate your help!I found the category php under Appearance/Editor. I have pasted the code below because I don’t know what or where to insert the shortcode you gave me earlier to get reviews to show up on my homepage. I don’t know which section of the code below is for the Music Category page and where or what code to insert in to get the reviews to show up on the Music Cat page too. Here is the code from my category php pages.I really appreciate your help with this.
* The main template file.
* This is the most generic template file in a WordPress theme
* and one of the two required files for a theme (the other being style.css).
* It is used to display a page when nothing more specific matches a query.
* E.g., it puts together the home page when no home.php file exists.
* Learn more:
* @package uncode
*//** Init variables **/
$limit_width = $limit_content_width = $the_content = $main_content = $layout = $sidebar_style = $sidebar_bg_color = $sidebar = $sidebar_size = $sidebar_sticky = $sidebar_padding = $sidebar_inner_padding = $sidebar_content = $title_content = $navigation_content = $page_custom_width = $row_classes = $main_classes = $footer_classes = $generic_body_content_block = ”;
$index_has_navigation = false;$post_type = $post->post_type . ‘_index’;
$tax = (isset(get_queried_object()->term_id)) ? get_queried_object()->term_id : ”;
$single_post_width = ot_get_option(‘_uncode_’ . $post_type . ‘_single_width’);
$single_text_length = ot_get_option(‘_uncode_’ . $post_type . ‘_single_text_length’);
set_query_var( ‘single_post_width’, $single_post_width );
if ($single_text_length !== ”) set_query_var( ‘single_text_length’, $single_text_length );/** Get general datas **/
$style = ot_get_option(‘_uncode_general_style’);
$bg_color = ot_get_option(‘_uncode_general_bg_color’);
$bg_color = ($bg_color == ”) ? ‘ style-‘.$style.’-bg’ : ‘ style-‘.$bg_color.’-bg’;/** Get page width info **/
$boxed = ot_get_option(‘_uncode_boxed’);if ($boxed !== ‘on’)
$generic_content_full = ot_get_option(‘_uncode_’ . $post_type . ‘_layout_width’);
if ($generic_content_full === ”)
$main_content_full = ot_get_option(‘_uncode_body_full’);
if ($main_content_full === ” || $main_content_full === ‘off’) $limit_content_width = ‘ limit-width’;
if ($generic_content_full === ‘limit’)
$generic_custom_width = ot_get_option(‘_uncode_’ . $post_type . ‘_layout_width_custom’);
if (is_array($generic_custom_width) && !empty($generic_custom_width))
$page_custom_width = ‘ style=”max-width: ‘ . implode(“”, $generic_custom_width) . ‘;”‘;
} else $limit_content_width = ‘ limit-width’;
}/** Collect header data **/
$page_header_type = ot_get_option(‘_uncode_’ . $post_type . ‘_header’);
if ($page_header_type !== ” && $page_header_type !== ‘none’)
$metabox_data[‘_uncode_header_type’] = array($page_header_type);
$term_back = get_option( ‘_uncode_taxonomy_’ . $tax );
if (isset($term_back[‘term_media’]) && $term_back[‘term_media’] !== ”) $featured_image = $term_back[‘term_media’];
else $featured_image = ”;
$meta_data = uncode_get_general_header_data($metabox_data, $post_type, $featured_image);
$metabox_data = $meta_data[‘meta’];
$show_title = $meta_data[‘show_title’];
}/** Get layout info **/
$activate_sidebar = ot_get_option(‘_uncode_’ . $post_type . ‘_activate_sidebar’);
if ($activate_sidebar !== ‘off’)
$layout = ot_get_option(‘_uncode_’ . $post_type . ‘_sidebar_position’);
if ($layout === ”) $layout = ‘sidebar_right’;
$sidebar = ot_get_option(‘_uncode_’ . $post_type . ‘_sidebar’);
$sidebar_style = ot_get_option(‘_uncode_’ . $post_type . ‘_sidebar_style’);
$sidebar_size = ot_get_option(‘_uncode_’ . $post_type . ‘_sidebar_size’);
$sidebar_sticky = ot_get_option(‘_uncode_’ . $post_type . ‘_sidebar_sticky’);
$sidebar_sticky = ($sidebar_sticky === ‘on’) ? ‘ sticky-element sticky-sidebar’ : ”;
$sidebar_fill = ot_get_option(‘_uncode_’ . $post_type . ‘_sidebar_fill’);
$sidebar_bg_color = ot_get_option(‘_uncode_’ . $post_type . ‘_sidebar_bgcolor’);
$sidebar_bg_color = ($sidebar_bg_color !== ”) ? ‘ style-‘ . $sidebar_bg_color . ‘-bg’ : ”;
if ($sidebar_style === ”) $sidebar_style = $style;
}/** Get breadcrumb info **/
$generic_breadcrumb = ot_get_option(‘_uncode_’ . $post_type . ‘_breadcrumb’);
$show_breadcrumb = ($generic_breadcrumb === ‘off’) ? false : true;
if ($show_breadcrumb) $breadcrumb_align = ot_get_option(‘_uncode_’ . $post_type . ‘_breadcrumb_align’);/** Get title info **/
$generic_show_title = ot_get_option(‘_uncode_’ . $post_type . ‘_title’);
$show_title = ($generic_show_title === ‘off’) ? false : true;/**
*/$posts_counter = $wp_query->post_count;
/** Build header **/
if ($page_header_type !== ” && $page_header_type !== ‘none’)
$get_title = uncode_archive_title();
$get_subtitle = get_queried_object()->description;
$page_header = new unheader($metabox_data, $get_title, $get_subtitle);$header_html = $page_header->html;
// if ($header_html !== ”) {
// echo ‘<div id=”page-header”>’;
// echo do_shortcode( shortcode_unautop( $page_header->html ) );
// echo ‘</div>’;
// }
echo ‘<script type=”text/javascript”>UNCODE.initHeader();</script>’;/** Build breadcrumb **/
if ($show_breadcrumb)
if ($breadcrumb_align !== ”) $breadcrumb_align = ‘ text-‘ . $breadcrumb_align;
$breadcrumb_align = ‘ text-right’;
$content_breadcrumb = uncode_breadcrumbs();
$breadcrumb_title = ‘<div class=”breadcrumb-title h5 text-bold”>’ . uncode_archive_title() . ‘</div>’;
echo uncode_get_row_template(($breadcrumb_align === ‘left’ ? $content_breadcrumb . $breadcrumb_title : $breadcrumb_title . $content_breadcrumb) , ”, ($page_custom_width !== ” ? ‘ limit-width’ : $limit_content_width), $style, ‘ row-breadcrumb row-breadcrumb-‘ . $style . $breadcrumb_align, ‘half’, true, ‘half’);
}/** Build title **/
if ($show_title)
$get_title = uncode_archive_title();
$title_content = ‘<div class=”post-title-wrapper”><h1 class=”post-title”>’ . $get_title . ‘</h1></div>’;
}$the_content .= $title_content;
/** custom **/
$cat = get_query_var(‘cat’);
$category = get_category ($cat);
echo ‘<h1 class=”archive-title”>’.$category->cat_name.'</h1>’;
echo ‘<ul class=”filter-buttons alm-filter-nav”>’;
echo ‘<li class=”button -recent”>Recent‘;
echo ‘<li class=”button -popular”>Popular‘;
echo ‘‘;
// echo do_shortcode(‘[ajax_load_more category=”‘.$category->slug.'” cache=”true” cache_id=”cache-‘.$category->slug.'”]’);
echo do_shortcode(‘[ajax_load_more category=”‘.$category->slug.'” [ajax_load_more preloaded=”true” preloaded_amount=”15″ post_type=”post” posts_per_page=”15″ post_format=”standard” pause=”true” scroll=”false” transition=”masonry” masonry_selector=”.mas2-grid-item” button_label=”Load More” button_loading_label=”Loading Posts…”]’);
}/** end custom **/
if (have_posts()):
$generic_body_content_block = ot_get_option(‘_uncode_’ . $post_type . ‘_content_block’);
if ($generic_body_content_block === ”) {
$the_content .=
‘<div id=”index-‘ . rand() . ‘” class=”isotope-system”>
<div class=”isotope-wrapper single-gutter”>
<div class=”isotope-container isotope-layout style-masonry isotope-pagination” data-type=”masonry” data-layout=”masonry” data-lg=”800″>’;/* Start the Loop */
while (have_posts()):
the_post();/* Include the Post-Format-specific template for the content.
* If you want to override this in a child theme, then include a file
* called content-___.php (where ___ is the Post Format name) and that will be used instead.
if ($post->post_type === ‘post’) $template = get_post_format();
else $template = $post->post_type;
get_template_part(‘content’, $template);
$the_content .= ob_get_clean();
endwhile;$the_content .=
} else {$uncode_block = get_post_field(‘post_content’, $generic_body_content_block);
$archive_query = ‘ loop=”size:’.get_option(‘posts_per_page’).’|order_by:date|post_type:’.(!is_date() ? $post->post_type : ‘post’);if (is_author()) {
$archive_query .= ‘|authors:’.get_queried_object()->ID.'”‘;
} else if (is_date()) {
if (isset($wp_query->query_vars[‘year’])) $archive_query .= ‘|year:’.$wp_query->query_vars[‘year’];
if (isset($wp_query->query_vars[‘monthnum’])) $archive_query .= ‘|month:’.$wp_query->query_vars[‘monthnum’];
if (isset($wp_query->query_vars[‘day’])) $archive_query .= ‘|day:’.$wp_query->query_vars[‘day’];
$archive_query .= ‘”‘;
} else {
$tax_query = ($post->post_type === ‘post’) ? ((get_queried_object()->taxonomy === ‘category’) ? ‘categories’ : ‘tags’) : ‘tax_query’;
if ($tax !== ”) $archive_query .= ‘|’.$tax_query.’:’.$tax.'”‘;
else $archive_query .= ‘”‘;
}$regex = ‘/\[uncode_index(.*?)\]/’;
$regex_attr = ‘/(.*?)=\”(.*?)\”/’;
preg_match_all($regex, $uncode_block, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
foreach ($matches as $key => $value) {
$index_found = false;
$index_pagination = false;
$index_infinite = false;
if (isset($value[1])) {
preg_match_all($regex_attr, trim($value[1]), $matches_attr, PREG_SET_ORDER);
foreach ($matches_attr as $key_attr => $value_attr) {
switch (trim($value_attr[1])) {
case ‘auto_query’:
if ($value_attr[2] === ‘yes’) $index_found = true;
case ‘pagination’:
if ($value_attr[2] === ‘yes’) $index_pagination = true;
case ‘infinite’:
if ($value_attr[2] === ‘yes’) $index_infinite = true;
if ($index_found) {
$value[1] = preg_replace(‘#\s(loop)=”([^”]+)”#’, $archive_query, $value[1], -1, $index_count);
if ($index_count === 0) {
$value[1] .= $archive_query;
$replacement = ‘[uncode_index’ . $value[1] . ‘]’;
$uncode_block = str_replace($value[0], $replacement, $uncode_block);
if ($index_pagination || $index_infinite) $index_has_navigation = true;
$the_content .= $uncode_block;}
else :
get_template_part(‘content’, ‘none’);
$the_content .= ob_get_clean();endif;
if ($layout === ‘sidebar_right’ || $layout === ‘sidebar_left’)
{/** Build structure with sidebar **/
if ($sidebar_size === ”) $sidebar_size = 4;
$main_size = 12 – $sidebar_size;
$expand_col = ”;/** Collect paddings data **/
$footer_classes = ‘ no-top-padding double-bottom-padding’;
if ($sidebar_bg_color !== ”)
if ($sidebar_fill === ‘on’)
$sidebar_inner_padding.= ‘ std-block-padding’;
$sidebar_padding.= $sidebar_bg_color;
$expand_col = ‘ unexpand’;
if ($limit_content_width === ”)
$row_classes.= ‘ no-h-padding col-no-gutter no-top-padding’;
$footer_classes = ‘ std-block-padding no-top-padding’;
$main_classes.= ‘ std-block-padding’;
$row_classes.= ‘ no-top-padding’;
$main_classes.= ‘ double-top-padding’;
$row_classes .= ‘ double-top-padding’;
$row_classes .= ‘ double-bottom-padding’;
$sidebar_inner_padding.= $sidebar_bg_color . ‘ single-block-padding’;
$row_classes.= ‘ col-std-gutter double-top-padding’;
$main_classes.= ‘ double-bottom-padding’;
}$row_classes.= ‘ no-bottom-padding’;
$sidebar_inner_padding.= ‘ double-bottom-padding’;/** Build sidebar **/
$sidebar_content = “”;
if ($sidebar !== ”)
$sidebar_content = ob_get_clean();/** Create html with sidebar **/
$the_content = ‘<div class=”post-content style-‘ . $style . $main_classes . ‘”>’ . $the_content . ‘</div>’;
$main_content = ‘<div class=”col-lg-‘ . $main_size . ‘”>
‘ . $the_content . ‘
</div>’;$the_content = ‘<div class=”row-container”>
<div class=”row row-parent’ . $row_classes . $limit_content_width . ‘”‘ . $page_custom_width . ‘>
<div class=”row-inner”>
‘ . (($layout === ‘sidebar_right’) ? $main_content : ”) . ‘
<div class=”col-lg-‘ . $sidebar_size . ‘”>
<div class=”uncol style-‘ . $sidebar_style . $expand_col . $sidebar_padding . (($sidebar_fill === ‘on’ && $sidebar_bg_color !== ”) ? ” : $sidebar_sticky) . ‘”>
<div class=”uncoltable’ . (($sidebar_fill === ‘on’ && $sidebar_bg_color !== ”) ? $sidebar_sticky : ”) . ‘”>
<div class=”uncell’ . $sidebar_inner_padding . ‘”>
<div class=”uncont”>
‘ . $sidebar_content . ‘
‘ . (($layout === ‘sidebar_left’) ? $main_content : ”) . ‘
} else {/** Create html without sidebar **/
if ($generic_body_content_block === ”) $the_content = ‘<div class=”post-content”‘ . $page_custom_width . ‘>’ . uncode_get_row_template($the_content, $limit_width, $limit_content_width, $style, ”, ‘double’, true, ‘double’) . ‘</div>’;
else $the_content = ‘<div class=”post-content”‘ . $page_custom_width . ‘>’ . $the_content . ‘</div>’;}
/** Build and display navigation html **/
if (!$index_has_navigation) {
$navigation_option = ot_get_option(‘_uncode_’ . $post_type . ‘_navigation_activate’);
if ($navigation_option !== ‘off’)
$navigation = uncode_posts_navigation();
if (!empty($navigation) && $navigation !== ”) $navigation_content = uncode_get_row_template($navigation, ”, $limit_content_width, $style, ‘ row-navigation row-navigation-‘ . $style, true, true, true);
}// /** Display post html **/
// echo ‘<div class=”page-body’ . $bg_color . ‘”>
// <div class=”post-wrapper”>
// <div class=”post-body”>’ . do_shortcode($the_content) . ‘</div>’ .
// $navigation_content . ‘
// </div>
// </div>’;// end of the loop.
get_footer(); ?>
Hmmmm….where is category.php located inside of my wordpress panel? not sure where to look to edit anything. And do I use the exact code you provided earlier to edit the cat pages too?
Thanks again!
Last question, do you know how I would get it to display on a category page too? I am trying to get it to display on my Music category page: but there is no code to edit it like how I did on my homepage.
Do you know where I would add the shortcode to get it to display the review posts on my Music category page too?
That worked perfectly! Thanks so much for your quick response and help, Darren!
You rock, my friend!
LisaHey guys,
Just a quick heads up because I don’t want to waste your time but I didn’t have time to wait in idle for a response so I disabled the plug in and am using another option that is working out just fine. Thanks anyways!Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [bitpay-for-woocommerce] How do I integrate BitPay With WooCommerce??Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [bitpay-for-woocommerce] How do I integrate BitPay With WooCommerce??Btw–sorry for the typos and grammar. I typed this is about two seconds and hit submit without proofing or editing.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [bitpay-for-woocommerce] How do I integrate BitPay With WooCommerce??Hi there,
Thanks again but support sent me an email and deactivated my account because there are kratom products in our store. This is the first time I’ve ever heard of not being able to purchase kratom with bitcoin. They gave me some false information and claimed it was highly addictive which is misinformation and a total lie. This is based on the scientific community’s findings and a recent analysis presented to the FDA/DEA from Dr. Jack Henningfield, the world’s leading authority on drug addiction. Research it. He has proven kratom (a plant) is NOT addictive and it’s also legal on a federal level! The pharmaceutical industry is in a mad rush to synthesize it into a much safer drug than the opiates they put out on the market, that caused our current opiate crisis. Furthermore, the kratom community is huge and influential. When the DEA tried to emergency schedule it last year, we rallied the support of 51 U.S. Senators in less than 30 days who put a stop to it! Bitcoin has always represented freedom and decentralization. I am deeply disappointed to hear this news and how Bitpay is now a part of the misinformation and is now perverting the philosophies of what bitcoin was founded on. Please tell your company that they need to destroy my data immediately and provide me with notification of how that was done. Our industry collectively represents hundreds of millions of dollars in yearly transactions. I will be altering them to this news. I appreciate your willingness to help me and your quick response but your company is a huge disappointment and a puppet for the government, which clearly do not have the best interest of mankind.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [bitpay-for-woocommerce] How do I integrate BitPay With WooCommerce??Hi there!
Thank you so much for your quick response again. I am truly grateful for it. I have already contacted support through that email and unfortunately, they have only been able to provide general information that I have already implemented. They also indicated that they were incredibly overwhelmed with inquiries and could not give me a specific time as to when my situation would be responded to. They have not provided a ticket number at this point but you can find my inquiries through my email: [email protected]My skype is: newrockstars
Can you let me know when we can chat on Skype? I will make myself available to you at literally any time you need me to be. I am on CST.
Thank you so much for your kind help! You have no idea how much I appreciate it!!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [bitpay-for-woocommerce] How do I integrate BitPay With WooCommerce??I am supposed to have a merchant facade not a point of sale??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [bitpay-for-woocommerce] How do I integrate BitPay With WooCommerce??I just did a test purchase and Bitpay is NOT an option for checkout on my store.
What is going on??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [bitpay-for-woocommerce] How do I integrate BitPay With WooCommerce??Hello,
I did everything you said and Bitpay is still not enabled on my checkout options, like the other options are. In fact, everytime I check to see the staus, the pairing code is gone and i have to re-enter it. I re-enter it and click save. Check the status and Bitpay is still not enabled. Why? My server meets the requirements. I have a VPS and checked with them today and confirmed all requirements.1. What speed should I select? It is defaulted to high.
2. What payment statuses am I supposed to select? Shouldn’t they need to match with Shipstation which is the plug in I use for shipping? There are absolutely no instructions on how to integrate this with Shipstation. My order statuses in Bitpay are not the same as the ones in ShipStation. Please advise. This is very confusing!
payment received-Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [bitpay-for-woocommerce] How do I integrate BitPay With WooCommerce??Okay great! I will try this now. Thank you so much for the clarification!
One last question, if I have chosen to have my 100% of all of my payouts transferred to my bank account, do I still need to add a bitcoin address? If so, can you please recommend to me how to do that?
Thank you once again! I truly appreciate your awesome support!!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [bitpay-for-woocommerce] How do I integrate BitPay With WooCommerce??Hi there!
Thank you for your quick reply. I really appreciate that! To clarify, I already have a merchant account with BitPay and I’ve already read those instructions a hundred times. When I try to add a new token, it only gives me a point of sale Facade option, not a merchant option. Again, I have a merchant account already with BitPay so what is going on? Also, what label am I supposed to use? Am I supposed to enable require authentication? I would attach screenshots if I knew how. So here is a copy and paste version. And here is my copy and paste dashboard proving I have a merchant account:Please provide more detailed info and answer all of my questions. I really appreciate it! Thank you so much!
Merchant Profile
Consumer Goods
Support Phone
Support Email
[email protected]Add New Token
Token LabelLabel
Facade Point-of-Sale
Client Require Authentication
If authentication is enabled an API client will need to cryptographically sign every request. Please see documentation for more information.Information
Created: Now