Forum Replies Created

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  • Can it walk like a comment and talk like a comment and still not be a comment?

    Trackbacks and pings are intended to be a way of notifying someone that you have mentioned their post on your blog, without having to manually post a comment to tell them that they might want to check out what you wrote. Blogs talking to each other rather than visitors talking to your blog, so to speak. Good for discussion, but with the drawback that it can be abused the same way as comments. And they are handled differently because some people want to receive only trackbacks or be able to set them manually for each posts and so on.

    I can only agree with the people who have suggested automated spam filtering. I use Akismet, and it does a good job.

    Looks fine for me as well, text is as wide as the images and that looks right to me. At least in FF 2.0b (I’ve thrown out 1.5, but I checked it in Seamonkey which should render the page about the same, and same thing there). Try hitting ctrl+F5 to see if you have something old and bas that needs to be cleared from the cache?

    Oh, and I agree with mjwood on the site. Makes me hungry. ??

    Some information that may get you started on the whole database thing:
    First you need to make sure there is a database for wordpress.
    Some hosts set up a default database when the account is created, in that case you should check with their documentation/support to find out how to get the info you need before moving on to the next step, which is to set up wp-config.php.

    I signed up with Dreamhost recently (partially because I feel confident that the WordPress team doesn’t recommend hosts solely for the referral programs), and I must say that I feel I get a lot for my monthly fee. I’ve had to deal with support once, and I think a 40 minute initial response time with follow-ups within 10 minutes is quite good. I also appreciate the openness and community feeling that comes with their detailed status updates, user forums, wiki, blog, user driven feature suggestion and so on.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: API key??!!

    Because they want you to register somewhere before handing out keys that give access to their services? You can sign up without getting a blog, just select the “just a username, please” option

    Bullet styles are determined by the theme, and since only allows you to chose from a selection themes but not do any modifications yourself, I think I have to say you’re out of luck.

    Oh, and for hosted blogs you should use the forums. The .org site is for most part for the downloadable, self-hosted version. ??

    Just a quick guess, but IE handles margins and padding differently, so the problem could be that IE makes the total width greater than the div that contains the content and sidebar. So if you have changed any widths, that could be the problem.

    I agree with filmn about the disclaimer. I also think the whole header layout is a bit bulky. I’d tighten that up as well, so that visitors can get right at the information rather than being told that they may find it further down. My first thought is to use a subtler image, one that can be used as background for the header and navigation rather than just sit below it.

    If you use Widgets, here’s one for showing sneak peeks of future posts. Is that the sort of thing you’re looking for?

    If you don’t want to keep anything from your old blog, maybe you should try setting it up in another database, or another table in the same database if your host only offers one db. See this on how to setup wp-config to do that:

    If you’re really sure you don’t want to keep anything, the simplest (but probably crudest as well) way to get rid of those install problems would be to empty your current database.

    Seems to work fine in the three browsers I tested now, and I can’t see any other obvious defects.

    There’s a <p style="margin-bottom: 0in;"> on the most recent post, but not on the others, so my guess is that is what is breaking your page. Try changing it to a regular <p> in html view and see if that clears things up. ??

    Double post…

    Actually, I noticed that basically the whole page is clickable, not only search box. It seems there is an onclick function in the header that is “leaking” out over the rest of the page.

    Here’s that section:
    <div id="header" onclick="location.href='';" style="cursor: pointer;">
    <div class="header">
    <h1><a class="blog-name" href="">Nevis, West Indies. “A Non-Tourist-Trap” Blog About Nevis.</a></h1>

    <h2 class="blog-description"></h2>

    I see no definition for the id “header” in your stylesheet, only a class, and the div is open. I suggest you try replacing the above with the following:

    <div class="header" onclick="location.href='';" style="cursor: pointer;">
    <h1><a class="blog-name" href="">Nevis, West Indies. “A Non-Tourist-Trap” Blog About Nevis.</a></h1>

    <h2 class="blog-description"></h2>

    That removes the redundant div, and moves the onclick funtion into the real header. And the code would most likely be found in header.php.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: New to WordPress

    When I started messing around with themes I thought looking at them through the built in theme editor gave a quite good overview. Especially looking at the main index template and seeing how the other files (for example header.php, sidebar.php and footer.php) are loaded and constructed.

    Maybe a good starting point (if you have some knowledge)

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