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  • Without seeing it, I don’t know how to help you. There must be something wrong with the syntax. As the above works for me, I can’t see what else could be wrong. Sorry.
    Maybe you can make a screen recording of you entering the code? That might help us see what is wrong.

    You are welcome. I hope they were able to help you!

    Great to hear! Have fun digging into WordPress!

    Hi @allmediaproduction Did you upload the theme via ftp? To me it looks like you uploaded directly into the folder wp-content/themes. But you will need a theme folder like:
    wp-content/themes/mythemename …

    I say that because it says:
    httpd.www/wp-content/<strong>themes/inc/</strong>init.php on line 67

    As the folder “inc” usually is INSIDE a theme folder, I am guessing that you uploaded the theme without it’s holding folder.

    Please try moving your theme to a subfolder and try again!
    Good luck

    @spearfeather you are very welcome!

    Seems fine here, too.
    Did you look at the console to see if there are any errors?
    Find Errors with Browser
    Also I noticed the input fields are yellow. In my case that happens when values are autofilled. Maybe that has something to do with it.
    Otherwise… hard to say because it seems to be a problem with your computer/browser as it is fine when Jay or I try.
    Good Luck

    In case you don’t know: The site is hosted by a provider named “Precipice”. Approach them (you will need some verification) and ask for access to the hosting account. As @jaycbrf pointed out, this is not a WordPress problem.
    Good Luck.

    Please deactivate or delete your pinterest-rss plugin (rename the folder using ftp) and try again. There seems to be old code in the plugin as Steven pointed out. Remove the culprit and you should be fine.

    I use the GREAT Plugin WP All Import for things like that. You can import regularly with cron jobs and it’s pretty easy to handle, depending on your setup.
    Good Luck

    Ok @lisawsdream , when I try to open one of the “missing” pictures, it tells me

    It appears you don’t have permission to access this page.403 Error. Forbidden.

    That usually means, the permissions to the files are not sufficient.

    Please take a look at this article Fix 403 Error and check your file permissions using a ftp program.

    Find out which permissions are set for wp-uploads folder and for the images and folders inside. If all is configured “normally”, folders should have 755 and files (images) 644.

    Good luck

    Hi @spearfeather,
    the images are set to display with 100% width in a parent container of a fixed width (150 x 190 px). If the image is less wide, it will look weird because it’s stretched to 100%.
    So to change that, you will have to modify some css.

    As you are using the main theme, you should either think about installing a child theme like described here Child Theme or add the css to the “Additional CSS” section in customizer. (I’m not quite sure that is present in all setups). More info on adding custom CSS

    To find out WHAT you want to change, use the code inspector in firefox or chrome, right click on the book-cover and check out the css code. (Check code using inspector)

    I would change .article-container article .feat-img a img from width:100% to width:auto and remove the background-color from .article-container article .feat-img

    You will need to learn a bit about css and child themes but that is well worth your time because you will be able to change other things as well, as soon as you know how.

    Good luck and have fun

    try this code (just changed the way some quotation marks are written)

    <form method="post" action="" style="margin:10px 20px;" onSubmit="if (!(this.full_name.value.length>0)) {alert('Please enter your name');this.full_name.focus();return false;} if (!(>0)) {alert('Please enter your email address');;return false;} if (!(this.message.value.length>0)) {alert('Please enter your message');this.message.focus();return false;} return true;">
    <input type="text" id="full_name" name="full_name" placeholder="Your Full Name">
    <input type="email" id="email" name="email" placeholder="Email Address">
    <textarea name=message rows="4" cols="35"> </textarea>
    <button type="submit">Submit</button>
    <input type=hidden name=showlogo value=false><input type=hidden name=action value=process><input type=hidden name=djidnumber value=16236><input type=hidden name=source value="">

    Works for me…

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Unable to log in

    Well, you DO have the database password. If you have ftp access, just open the file wp-config.php and look for db-name and password. Then you only need the url for phpmyadmin to log in.
    Otherwise you could follow this instruction to add a new admin user using ftp.

    If you don’t have ANY access, I would see it as your customer’s task to contact the provider to get new login data. Also she will be able to verify to them that she’s the owner.

    this seems to be a problem caused by that plugin (Massive Addons for WPBakery Page Builder). This forum is not the place to get help with that. As you have paid for the plugin, please ask the author of the plugin to help you with your problems. Also check if you have the most current version installed.
    Good luck

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Unable to log in

    Hi @mobuiluuks, do you have access to the database? You can change your password there or check if you are trying the right username or email address.
    Here is a detailed instruction to reset your password:
    How to reset password

    Remember, it’s always recommended to make a backup of your database before changing anything.

    Good luck

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