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  • Thanks for the fast response Daniel. We are enjoying the plugin.

    Now off to review!! ??

    Thread Starter netivity


    Well after lots of trial and error here is the solutions….

    1. Create a shortcode by adding this code to your functions.php file

    function shortcode_atoz( $atts ){
        $ar = the_a_z_listing( array('post_type' => 'ingredient') ); 
    return $ar;
    add_shortcode( 'atoz', 'shortcode_atoz' );

    2. Change the post_type to your custom post type.

    3. Insert the shortcode [atoz] where you want it to display.

    4. If you have another custom post type just change the name of your shortcode values and replace the post_type value.


    Can you provide an example so that we can hack our way to SUCCESS?

    – THanks

    Thread Starter netivity


    Can you give an example of how to use this with a Custom Post Type like — Ingredients?

    I just want it to return the post in that Custom Post type.

    — thanks


    It only displays if you have…

    make sure you have this WooCommerce action “woocommerce_after_single_product_summary” on single-product-page.php

    in your single-product template.

    if it is not there you can try adding it…

    <?php do_action( 'woocommerce_after_single_product' ); ?>

    This will work but not the best solution for a plugin. It really should have its own function or shortcode that can be added so that you can put FBT anywhere on the page.

    Review the product and ASK for a function and shortcode!!!

    – Thanks

    I have tested this and yes this was missing from my single-product.php template.

    When I add it — it works, but it adds the Product Description and Reviews again. I don′t need that content again as I am using a custom template.

    How can I add just the action / call for the display of the Freq Bought Together items?

    Is there a php function? A shortcode? I can′t find anything in your documentation.



    Hello Tinto,

    Thanks for this change. There is just 1 small problem with variable products and %. When there are more than 1 price it cannot determine the correct % value.

    It should be the greatest price difference and the greatest %.

    It gives this error….

    Warning: Division by zero in /public_html/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-smart-sale-badge/classes/class-woocommerce-smart-sale-badge.php on line 62

    It looks like the issue is with the round command found here…

    // Only modify badge if saving amount is larger than 0
    		if( $saving_amount > 0 ) {
    			$saving_price = woocommerce_price( $saving_amount );
    			$percentage = round( ( ( $product->regular_price - $product->sale_price ) / $product->regular_price ) * 100 );
    			$saving_price_r = apply_filters("wc_smart_sale_badge_price", sprintf( __( ' %s!', 'wc_smart_sale_badge' ), $saving_price ), $saving_price, $product);
    			$message = '<span class="onsale">' . $button_text .'--'. $percentage .'% OFF!'. '</span>';

    Any ideas on how to solve this or how to get the plugin to ignore the savings on variable products??



    Hello Noahj,

    I did that and now I get this message…

    Warning: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, class 'GWFO' does not have a method 'googlefonts_ob_end_flush' in /home/domain/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 525

    Any ideas?



    Please update the plugin!


    Rolling back to Version 2.9.45 the calculation work again.

    Hopefully they will get it fixed.

    — Netivity


    Looking at Chrome and FF Console Javascript errors this appears on pages with form calculations in both of the latest versions….

    19:32:18.378 TypeError: jQuery(…).counter is not a function
    init_all_the_ninja_things/<() ninja-forms-display.min.js:1
    .each() jquery.js:2
    n.prototype.each() jquery.js:2
    init_all_the_ninja_things() ninja-forms-display.min.js:1
    <anonymous> ninja-forms-display.min.js:1
    1 ninja-forms-display.min.js:1:1566

    Any ideas?

    — Netivity


    We are having the same problem with the latest upgrade to 2.9.46 and 2.9.47.

    The calculation stopped working both our live and staging site.

    Did you get this solved?



    Thread Starter netivity


    Hello Takis,

    One clarification as you said it better than I could…

    device-aware image resizing

    This is what I meant about using an external service like, TinyPNG, etc… that the external service could the device-aware image resizing and optimization while AI controls the process.

    We use Imagery and EWWWW on our sites. They optimize all our images but do not do device-aware image resizing.

    Combine the two would be great.

    Using the PNG 32 image resizing sounds good. We look forward to testing it out. Please let us know when it is ready.

    As to the roadmap for CDN support I totally agree. We use CF and KeyCDN a lot. To have images served from the CDN cache would be great.

    Ok Takis thank you for this prosperous conversation. We are glad that we were able to help you focus AI even more and deal with the image hazing issues.

    If you need us to test just let us know.

    Take care,


    Thread Starter netivity


    Hello Takis,

    Taking this down to the essentials…

    AI helps sites improve download speed for different size browsers.

    Therefore I propose that you look at this problem in the following manner. 8bit PNG transparencies is probably the least amount of images processed by AI when someone uses the plugin on their site. If fact, many sites probably don′t even process 1 PNG transparency. The main gain is processing larger jpg images that are used in feature images, headers, banners, etc…

    Therefore, weighing worth of effort vs actual benefit to you the plugin provider and to the web site admin, I would suggest that you look towards processing all the images as you have to date, but provide an easy and quick way to update images with the admin′s choice should it be required.

    This approach helps keep your valuable time on security, WP updates, patches, etc… that are always the case with all plugins instead of countless hours of PNG transparency testing, etc…

    Furthermore, you could even align yourself with TinyPNG, Smush It, Imagery, EWCC, etc… or any other image optimization provider to allow the admin to further enhance images. With TinyPNG you could even bolt on a reseller license or process the images under free accounts (up to 500) and then resell TinyPNG licenses.

    The core of the plugin is finding, sorting and creating all the images to the designated browser width sizes and then more importantly, serving those images up when the page is loaded. You have this and it works great.

    Let optimizing images, whatever the type, be external, but provide a fast and easy to use admin tool to do it. As you already have code that finds, and creates news images, listing them in the admin panel and providing the ability to replace them one by one or in bulk should not be that hard.

    This solution makes your plugin scale beyond any issues that may arise from image transformation / resizing and provide both novice and expert admins the tools to further enhance images if desired.

    Please think about this as a possible direction of the plugin.

    Food for thought… As of WP 4.4 responsive images are part of WP and an admin can implement other plugins to specify other media sizes and code to call on the right images at the right time. However my test have shown that they don′t do well with background images and that it is not as easy to implement as your solution.

    By focusing AI on what it does best and opening it up to other options to enhanced already AI processed images you are making your plugin more competitive with other solutions, both internally to WP and externally.

    Let us know what you think when you can.



    Thread Starter netivity


    Hello Takis,

    Glad that I can help you all weigh out options to solve this problem. One thing I would like to point out that didn′t see mentioned in your reply is that by AI processing PNG′s where accomplishing two great things…

    1. We resize the images to the exact width of the browser / viewport which makes designing for different pixels widths a much more clear process. Responsive images are great of course, but css and browsers can mess up the focal point or need extra rules to look good.

    2. We save bandwidth with the new image sizes thus the page is faster than its responsive cousin.

    That said we would like your product to resize gifs, pngs, and jpgs.

    This is great news about the “issues” and “sharpening”. If you need us to beta test just let me know.

    We look forward to your update.



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