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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Strange eval 64 code on top of php filesYeah, I saw it… but thanks, actually, I’m glad I found out what it was, I was getting crazy with it.
And you’re right, I checked on my host, all my files were affected… It will take hours to get rid of all that… ??Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Secondary blog or a sub-blogI’m glad it worked ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Problem with visual and html editorOk, so now the fun part…
After much struggle duplicating the entire website and database, and putting it on another host (free host, I can’t use it for the real blog, it’s just for testing purpose), the visual editor works.
Which means the problem is with the host.
How can I be sure upgrading to 2.9 will solve this problem ?Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Secondary blog or a sub-blogYou create a page template based on your index file, and instead of the loop to exclude one category, you tell it to display one category. Sorry, I didn’t find what I was looking for, and if I give you dotclear code, it won’t work with wordpress.
<?php query_posts('cat=ID&showposts='.get_option('posts_per_page')); ?>
You need to replace ID by your new category ID number.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Secondary blog or a sub-blogOk, so I found the solution to exclude your new category from your main blog, it’s really easy, you can check it here : Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Secondary blog or a sub-blogOk, so until I find my files, I looked a bit through the WP docs, and this article will be helpful : (read the Exclude Posts From Some Category )
As well as this :
You will have to use template pages to achieve that. You’ll need to use the “home” feature, as well as a template page for the new category you’ll be creating.
With these articles, you can get a head start.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Secondary blog or a sub-blogI did it a while ago with dotclear (it’s similar to WP but developed by French people), it was not hard to do it, let me look through my files (it was 5 years ago ^^), I’ll get back to you ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Secondary blog or a sub-blogYou could do it by displaying a specific category on this page, and using it as a “blog”.
You’d have all the categories except this one on your main blog, and this new category displayed as a separate page.
Would this solution be working for you ? Is that what you’re looking for ?Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Problem with visual and html editorSo, found a correct tiny_mce_gzip.php file, tried it, tried doing the modifications mentionned on this post ( on it, nothing works. I checked the chmod, I cleared the cache multiple times, I cleared the wp cache as well, I changed browser… nothing.
I’m getting really desperate, here. Obviously, it’s not the gzip compression that causes the problem, it’s not browser related, it’s not plugin related, it’s not computer related, it’s not a corruption of a tinymce file…
I could try reinstalling wp 2.5, but I don’t really see the point here, since I’m pretty sure it comes from the server. I could try uploading the whole site to another server and duplicating the database to see if the problem would still be here, but isn’t there an easier solution ? Is it normal that the tinymce advanced editor doesn’t show up, even if the plugin is activated ?Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Problem with visual and html editorOk, so now I took the whole tinymce folder from a working website (it’s wordpress 2.6 or 2.7, I don’t remember, anyway, the visual editor is working on this one) and replaced my tinymce folder with it. It didn’t change anything.
Also, I tried to use the firefox debug on the working website post-new.php page, and I get the same errors (undeclared variable, switcheditors…) as in the non-working page.
I guess the problem is server related, I’m actually pretty sure of it. They probably changed something in the configuration of the server, on the 15th of december (it’s like, 200 files were noted as “modified” on the 15th of december, all of them at 00:45), and that’s why it’s not working anymore. (the other website is on another host)
However, I tried all the “server-related” solutions, I can’t get a single one working. And my tiny_mce_gzip.php (or whatever its name is) is a whole bunch of letters and digits, it’s encoded and I don’t really now how to modify it. It seems awfully complicated to decompress it, but I’d like to add something about the gzip compression in the file, as stated in one of the solutions I found (the only one I couldn’t try).
Also, something strange, in the wp 2.7 tinymce folder, I don’t have this tiny_mce_gzip.php. I thought the tiny_mce_config.php would create it, but it didn’t. So is it only in wp 2.5 and older versions ?Edit : I replaced my tinymce folder with the original tinymcefolder from wp 2.5. The tiny_mce_gzip.php is empty, and even after loading the post-new.php page (I thought it would create something in this file), it remains empty. What is the problem ?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Problem with visual and html editorSo, I tried some new things today, like checking the chmod of the tiny_mce_config.php or disabling gzip, but nothing works. Also, I noticed that something was changed on most of my files on the 15th of december, and on the 15th of december, I didn’t do anything with wordpress. I didn’t even log in. However, it’s the date of the database backup, but I don’t think the wp database backup plugin would need to access admin wp files…
What should I do ? (I don’t tell me to upgrade, I really can’t right now, I just need a temporary fix)
I am under the impression that the switcheditors.js file doesn’t work, or doesn’t get called properly, and that’s why it’s stuck in html mode, although the tab is showing “visual”. That might explain why the tiny mce advanced plugin doesn’t work either, since the problem is switching from visual to html.
I’m pretty sure there is no problem with tiny mce itself.Any advice ?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: custom header errorOk, I’m not that good at php, but I’d suggest first to get rid of the multiple php tags. The first one and the last one are necessary, but not the one inbetween, since you already tell the server you are writing in php.
Try this one :
<?php if (is_page('editing')){ include(TEMPLATEPATH.'/wp-content/themes/sandbox/headerediting.php'); } elseif (is_page('writing')){ include(TEMPLATEPATH.'/wp-content/themes/sandbox/headerwriting.php'); } elseif (is_page('about-me')){ include(TEMPLATEPATH.'/wp-content/themes/sandbox/headeraboutme.php'); } elseif (is_page('contact')){ include(TEMPLATEPATH.'/wp-content/themes/sandbox/headercontact.php'); } else { include(TEMPLATEPATH.'/wp-content/themes/sandbox/headerdefault.php'); } ?>
I don’t know if it’ll solve your problem, but you could try it.
Also, could you post one of your header files ? like headercontact.php, or any other ? Your problem might come from something in those files.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Problem with visual and html editorAnybody ? ?? I’d like to fix this ASAP, anyone can tell me what could have caused the switcheditors variable to suddenly be “undeclared”, without any update, any additional plugin, any manipulation whatsoever ?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Problem with visual and html editorYeah, as I said, I won’t upgrade WP on this particular website. Maybe later, when I have a whole month to correct all things that will go wrong…
So, what’s happening ? Nothing. It shows the “visual” tab, but it’s html code only, and when I click on html, nothing happens, it doesn’t even change tab, as if javascript was desactivated (it’s not the case) or if there was a problem with the prototype, jquery or scriptaculous library.
Yes, I upgraded firefox on the pc and on the mac, but safari and IE were unchanged, so it’s not a browser, nor a computer related problem.To try to fix it temporarily, I installed tinymce advanced (the version compatible with wp 2.5, of course), but nothing happens. I configured the plugin, it’s, of course, activated, but the problem stays exactly the same, the editor is “stuck” in html style (which is, actually, quite logical if there is a problem in the file, especially if it’s affecting the Switcheditors variable).
I may upgrade everything in a few months, but now, I’d like a solution for the time being ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Sharing a WP database on two domain names (same server)So, nobody likes me ? ??