Forum Replies Created
@nicohood yeah same here. The way how the authors are using write-permissions for moving the files while the update-procedure is still not working properly and it happens only with this plugin. It crashes at the first try, then WP is disabling the plugin, then I have to delete all the plugin-files from /upgrade-temp-backup/, there the downloaded update-files are located and couldn’t be copied the /plugins/ folder, then I have to delete the old files from /plugins/ folder and THEN I can finally reinstall the plugin without any issues directly. I don’t know what is causing this trouble but this is only one plugin, which makes so much trouble. I’m close to delete it and will set up an stand-alone matomo instance… it’s really annoying.
- This reply was modified 11 months, 3 weeks ago by neralex.
@dizzyatinnocraft Yeah, I was able to do the update and the current version is running now without any other issues. Thanks for trying to avoid the critical error in the next release.
@dizzyatinnocraft This sounds similuar to this old wordpress issue:
The file-owner of this file is in the same user-group of the user, that is running the webserver. This is needed to upload files via ftp to the web-directory, where the installation is placed and it with all other plugins and their update-precedures without this issue. When a new file or folder was a created by a lugin, then is it created with the user of the webserver – how it should be.
I changed the owner of the file.php to the webserver-user and tried to update the plugin again and got this error-message on the update-screen of the dashboard:
An error occurred while updating Matomo Analytics - Ethical Stats. Powerful Insights.: The update cannot be installed because some files could not be copied. This is usually due to inconsistent file permissions.
So I changed the file-permission of the file.php back and checked the permissions of the matomo-folder inside the plugin-directory, which I uploaded via FTP today – the folder was not added to the user-group of the webserver-user. After changing the folder permissions the update runs without any issue.
EDIT: But the critical error still exists. So I changed the file-permissions of the file.php back to the webserver-user and the issue was gone.
Thanks for your information to understand how it works. When a new folder was a created by an FTP-user, then the user of the webserver got no write-permission. This was the reason, why the folder was not able to move. On this way I found a little permisson-issue on my FTP-users, which I was able fix too.
@dizzyatinnocraft This is an dedicated server with debian 12 on Hetzner in Germany and I’m using the package-list for PHP8.1.x.
During the first update-procedure via the wordpress-dashboard I got the message that the matomo folder from the plugin directory could not be moved to the directory: upgrade-temp-backup. The update was cancelled immediately afterwards. As a result, there was no longer a matomo folder in the plugins directory. So I downloaded the latest version via the wordpress-dashboard and encountered this critical error for the first time when I tried to activate the plugin. So I downloaded the latest version of the plugin directly from and uploaded the files via FTP. When I tried to activate the plugin, then I got this critical error again.
@dennycy 5.0.3 is working for me, so I rolled back to this version.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Kirki Customizer Framework] disable kirki-inline-stylesThank you! ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Kirki Customizer Framework] disable kirki-inline-stylesOkay, but how can I override it in a child-theme, where I don’t use the Typographie related fields from the main-theme? This is a bug in v4, which doesn’t exists in 3.x and this overrides embedded font-families of the child-theme. You will find simular reported issues in your Support-forum…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Kirki Customizer Framework] disable kirki-inline-styles…anybody out there?
@paultgoodchild Thank you, it seems the issue is fixed. I will keep an eye on it on the next days.
I’m pretty sure it’s not a file system permissions problem. All media files are saved and deleted correctly, as it also showed my test with the own PHP file. Maybe it is related to the error messages from the PHP logs.
Ok, just tried it with a own php-file, which I placed in the root-folder of the affected wordpress-installation with the following code-lines:
<?php $error_reporting = E_ALL; $path = 'wp-content/shield'; $folder = 'dummy'; $filename = 'dummy.txt'; if (file_exists($path.'/'.$folder.'/'.$filename)) { unlink($path.'/'.$folder.'/'.$filename); rmdir($path.'/'.$folder); } else { mkdir($path.'/'.$folder, 0777, true); file_put_contents($path.'/'.$folder.'/'.$filename, 'hello'); } $dirs = array_filter(glob('*'), 'is_dir'); foreach ($dirs as $dir) { if (is_writable($dir)) { echo $dir.' is writable.<br>'; } else { echo $dir.' is not writable.<br>'; } } ?>
The dummy-folder and also the dummy-file are created with the correct permissions and the delete operation works also as expected.
While checking the php-logs, I found entries like this:
Notice: Store directory could not be created: /themes, referer: https://domain.tld/wp-cron.php?doing_wp_cron=1643119329.3315219879150390625000 Notice: Store directory could not be created: /plugins, referer: https://domain.tld/wp-cron.php?doing_wp_cron=1643119464.1156771183013916015625
Hi Jelena,
thanks for your reply. Is it a normal behaviour to create a lot of folders but why are these folders not removed again? The folders and files have write-permissions by the webserver-user, who created it.
Thanks in advance.
- This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by neralex.
Same here, turned of and still recieve the email notifications each week.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [XML Sitemap Generator for Google] Noindex tagOpen sitemap.xsl inside the plugin-folder and remove this line:
<meta name="robots" content="noindex,follow" />
Now its running as it should. I guess there was an issue with local stored website files in firefox 58, which caused this issue. After clearing cache and deleting all cookies and temps I was able to reinstall it. But plugin-tables couldn’t created, I had to do it manually. I’m using CHARSET ‘utf8’, COLLATION ‘utf8_unicode_ci’ and ENGINE ‘MyISAM’ in my database for some reasons and this works fine. But only this plugin makes trouble. Not sure but it could caused by an CREATE TABLE query, which isn’t using the MySQL settings from the config.php.