Forum Replies Created
Thank you for the feedback. It is really appreciated.
Have a great day.Any idea when this is resolved? The plugin is not jquery 4.0 compatible. Settings do not work and the plugin uses old jquery easing version causing issues with themes & plugins that use the new latest version of jquery easing.
Thank you for your time and patience.Hello Hasib,
Thank you for your kind reply and service picking up my suggestion. It is appreciated.
Have good day!
Neo.Hello Arif,
This is for the pro version. Can you ask your team also to in addition to above please update the jarallax script in the parallax widget. Jarallax has updated a long time ago to version 2.2.1.. The elementskit pro is using 1.12.8
Somehow this creates issues with other themes and plugins using the jarallax script but the newer version.
Thank You
please also fix the plugin rating.php click functions 3 x. you should use on(‘click’, function(){});
Thank youForum: Plugins
In reply to: [ElementsKit Elementor Addons and Templates] Please fix warningsI was only replying that the given solution in the download file is not the correct one. So if that is the solution in the next build it won’t help preventing the warning. All in order to get your code 100% bulletproof.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [ElementsKit Elementor Addons and Templates] Please fix warningsI did a quick google search and stumbled upon this where you will see the same solution and code used as i provided**
* This function runs when WordPress completes its upgrade process
* It iterates through each plugin updated to see if ours is included
* @param $upgrader_object Array
* @param $options Array
function wp_upe_upgrade_completed( $upgrader_object, $options ) {
// The path to our plugin's main file
$our_plugin = plugin_basename( __FILE__ );
// If an update has taken place and the updated type is plugins and the plugins element exists
if( $options['action'] == 'update' && $options['type'] == 'plugin' && isset( $options['plugins'] ) ) {
// Iterate through the plugins being updated and check if ours is there
foreach( $options['plugins'] as $plugin ) {
if( $plugin == $our_plugin ) {
// Your action if it is your plugin
add_action( 'upgrader_process_complete', 'wp_upe_upgrade_completed', 10, 2 );Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [ElementsKit Elementor Addons and Templates] Please fix warningsHi
Thank you for your feedback and solution. I doubt though that it will tackle the problem. As when the index ‘plugins’ is not set it will still generate the warning and in the future, when php changes that, a fatal. The reported issue is about a missing key in a array. Checking if the array[key] is empty will not prevent the warning (and maybe later a fatal) that the key is missing as that is what my issue is about.
the code still requires a permanent fix,
This codeif (!empty($options['plugins']) && $options['action'] == 'update' && $options['type'] == 'plugin') {
should be altered into this to prevent the warning.
if (isset($options['plugins']) && !empty($options['plugins']) && $options['action'] == 'update' && $options['type'] == 'plugin') {
Please have the developers review/adapt my suggestion to fix the issue permanent as it still can happen that the issue will occur when, at some point, the ‘upgrader_process_complete’ is called by another process then your plugin. F.e. when using the TGM plugin installer/updater (latest v2.6.1) to update the plugins that ship with a theme or even your plugin as it can detect those also.
Thank you for sticking with me and my reported issue. It is really appreciated.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [ElementsKit Elementor Addons and Templates] Please fix warningsHello,
How should i make the video as the 2 action calls in that file are not called in every update are they?
The issues still exists.
If you don not check the if the array key exists before calling it on line 48 and on line 61 in that file the issue will come back. The action hooks you are calling only in case social_share_css_was_updated or team_widget_css_was_updated. So of course i will not see them on every update as they do not always change and therefor are not always called.
The solution however is simple. If you check the if the array key exists before calling it on line 48 in the foreach in that file, the issue will NOT come back. If the code stays the sames the issue will remain and others will report the warnings in the near future.
if ( isset( $options[‘plugins’] ) ) {
foreach …..{}
Thank youit even happens in nthe default 20/24 theme calling a page that does not exist so you get the 404 page.
Only plugin active is elementor free!
So this is theme related? No way!it happens if only elementor plugin is active and is not related to the settings mentioned. As said before the 404 page is not using anything elementor related. Its a none elementor page. It does not use elementor to show the 404 page and its content.
Can we please get some support on this? 2 versions have updated and the issue keeps on coming back causing me to alted the elementor code every time.
The file has been changed as the issue is now on line 190. But the issue still exists. The solution is easy. Just check if the is_block_editor exists. See belowWarning: Attempt to read property "is_block_editor" on null in /var/docs/public/wp-content/plugins/elementor/modules/ai/module.php on line 190
The solution is below.
if ( function_exists( 'get_current_screen' ) ) {
if ( isset(get_current_screen()->is_block_editor) && get_current_screen()->is_block_editor ) {
}Thank you!
@elementor support : Why are you loading elementor modules etc etc in every admin screen? Why not limit this to the admin screens where this is needed?
Same issue here !! Warning: Attempt to read property “is_block_editor” on null in /home/public_html/wp-content/plugins/elementor/modules/ai/module.php on line 186
Change line 186 to
if ( function_exists( 'get_current_screen' ) ) {
if ( isset ( get_current_screen()->is_block_editor) && get_current_screen()->is_block_editor ) {
}This happens also if you are using the classic editor plugin and or when the blockeditor is disabled.
thank you for testing. I am using v2.6.1 as any earlier version does not run on the latest php versions.
Maybe you can still alter the code and check if the array is not empty and key plugins exists. I have seen similar issues in woocommerce block where they adjusted the code accordingly.
Thank you