Forum Replies Created
the button is useful (so we don’t want to remove it) but we would like to associate the button to a generic URL (no popup)In the content-single-event_listing.php we have to remove the following code block.
Please can you tell us which code we need to replace?Thanks
<?php if (get_organizer_youtube()) : ?>
<div class=”clearfix”> </div>
<button id=”event-youtube-button” data-modal-id=”wpem-youtube-modal-popup” class=”wpem-theme-button wpem-modal-button”><?php _e(‘Guarda il video’, ‘wp-event-manager’); ?></button>
<div id=”wpem-youtube-modal-popup” class=”wpem-modal” role=”dialog” aria-labelledby=”<?php _e(‘Guarda il video’, ‘wp-event-manager’); ?>”>
<div class=”wpem-modal-content-wrapper”>
<div class=”wpem-modal-header”>
<div class=”wpem-modal-header-title”><h3 class=”wpem-modal-header-title-text”><?php _e(‘Guarda il video’, ‘wp-event-manager’); ?></h3></div>
<div class=”wpem-modal-header-close”>x</div>
<div class=”wpem-modal-content”>
<?php echo wp_oembed_get(get_organizer_youtube(), array(‘autoplay’ => 1, ‘rel’ => 0)); ?>
<div class=”wpem-modal-overlay”></div>
<div class=”clearfix”> </div>
<?php endif; ?>
——————————–Hi please,
we need to custom filter as you proposed but the link you suggest is broken (
Please can you send me a correct one?Thanks
IBin which file you change the code?