Well done crawlinson for providing CONSTRUCTIVE feedback – I wish there were more users like you online!!
I am considering this Plugin for my community website and like you, I take support and assistance as a vital part of decision making.
Your suggestion of co-hosting is a brilliant idea. Everyone will ideally like to style this Plugin to compliment their Theme otherwise it just looks like its been ‘bolted-on’ and somewhat unprofessional. Your idea would work wonders (clever person you!)
It’s pleasing that Andrea welcomed your comments and has taken them on board. Your ‘issues’ are the same as mine. If I can be reassured that the Plugin is ACTIVELY being developed/improved then that provides me with some peace of mind.
I fully appreciate that users can be demanding (I WANT, I WANT, I WANT…) but the elements highlighted by crawlinson are fundamental improvements that IMHO would be for the ‘greater good’ of everyone.
Andrea, some feedback on tackling these improvements would be great. Likewise, I would welcome any extension to the free trial whilst we attempt to ‘bug fix’ and improve what I am sure will prove to be a valuable community Plugin.
Kindest regards,
(Keep up the good work! ??