Hi Poselab,
I got the same problem. After the update the Videos on this page https://compassionoxford.com/videos/ are not working anymore. The shortcode I use is
[Youtube_Channel_Gallery feed=”playlist” user=”PL2Pnjpr1vYHDgwWX8sxh2rl0ZKUdWtq9y” key=”AIzaSyBQuFkT6Hgbg_aeuH-TWALRaYJf5hC08Lc” maxitems=”20″ thumb_columns_ld=”3″ title=”1″ description=”1″ description_words_number=”30″]
and the error message I get:
Error type: “Bad Request”. Error message: “Bad Request” Domain: “usageLimits”. Reason: “keyInvalid”.
Did you added your own Google API key? Look at the help.
Check in YouTube if the id PL2Pnjpr1vYHDgwWX8sxh2rl0ZKUdWtq9y belongs to a playlist. Check the FAQ of the plugin or send error messages to support.
I’ve checked API key and playlist. Both correct. I’m not using the plugin in a widget etc. I’ve also tried to regenerate my API key.
Could you help, please?
Thanks a lot