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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Calculated Fields Form] Google PageSpeed Insights problem with calculatorLike this? ?? Plugins
In reply to: [Calculated Fields Form] Formula for multiple selectionsThank you! ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Calculated Fields Form] 3 calculators merge to 1Understood. Thanks again for your help, codepeople ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Calculated Fields Form] 3 calculators merge to 1Thanks, you can click the link I have posted, to see the results.
Now those 4 field appearing like we needed, but there are 2 problems:
1. When you once click the CALCULATE button, and then change the first option (gain, remain, lose weight or basic weight), the results 4 fields aren’t disappearing and their numbers are remaining the same like it was with last calculation, until you click CALCULATE again.
2. When in the first option you select the 4th parameter (basic calories), in the results section, appear all 4 fields:
fieldname1 (kcal)
fieldname6 (proteins)
fieldname7 (carbs)
fieldname8 (fats)But we only need fieldname1 (kcal).
Before your example, I tried to use “Dependencies” option where I set that fieldname6 (proteins), fieldname7 (carbs) and fieldname8 (fats) only show with selections Nr. 1, 2 and 3 in the first option, but I deactivated this option because it was not comfortable with your example with ‘hide’ function ??Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Calculated Fields Form] 3 calculators merge to 1Yeah, it was just example ??
I merged 4th calculator to our previous version. It it looks like this:
That 4th option in first field is little different than other 3, coz there are 2 more parameters: height and age, but that’s not the case ??Full formula (for kcal only):
if(fieldname9 == ‘auginti’) return ROUND(fieldname3==’Vyras’?(fieldname4==’3-4 treniruot?s’?42*fieldname2:52*fieldname2):(fieldname4==’5 ir daugiau treniruo?i?’?47*fieldname2:36*fieldname2));if(fieldname9 == ‘mesti’) return ROUND(fieldname3==’Vyras’?(fieldname4==’3-4 treniruot?s’?28*fieldname2:38*fieldname2):(fieldname4==’5 ir daugiau treniruo?i?’?35*fieldname2:25*fieldname2));
if(fieldname9 == ‘laikyti’) return ROUND(fieldname3==’Vyras’?(fieldname4==’3-4 treniruot?s’?33*fieldname2:42*fieldname2):(fieldname4==’5 ir daugiau treniruo?i?’?39*fieldname2:31*fieldname2));
if(fieldname9 == ‘isgyventi’) return ROUND(fieldname3==’Vyras’?(66+(13.75*fieldname2)+(5*fieldname10)-(6.76*fieldname12)):(655+(9.6*fieldname2)+(1.85*fieldname10)-(4.7*fieldname12)));
My question: how to make fields below the CALCULATE button (those fields, where the answers is written), to appear ONLY AFTER clicking the CALCULATE button?
These 4 answer fields are:
fieldname1 (kcal)
fieldname6 (proteins)
fieldname7 (carbs)
fieldname8 (fats)Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Calculated Fields Form] 3 calculators merge to 1Hey, codepeople, I wanted to ask 1 more function of a field:
is it possible, that fieldname111 would be hiden until I select option “gain weight” AND click CALCULATE? (if I select option “lose weight” AND click CALCULATE, this field shouldn’t show up)Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Calculated Fields Form] 3 calculators merge to 1CodePeople, thank you for such a fast response.
You have unique mindset, I’m glad that I recommended your CFF for all my friends because you deserve more attention, CFF is da best ??
Take a look at merged calculator, thanks to you ??