Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Bucket List] Linking to post doesn't work in WP 4.1Hello Nicoswa!
Thanks using our plugin and for your report!
We fixed this problem, you just need to update BucketList on 1.1.1 version.Best regards,
NicolasForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Bucket List] LayoutBonjour Julie,
On peut regarder cela pour toi aussi ??
Le code que j’ai donné la (les deux lignes donc) est a placer dans le style.css en fin de fichier (tu sautes une ligne et hop tu colles ces deux là!).
Mais ce code te permet simplement d’espacer les lignes et les catégories entre elle.Toi, tu souhaiterais changer le style des puces si j’ai bien compris ?
Pour cela il faut déterminer l’image que tu veux mettre à la place des bullet-point, et on pourra ensuite mettre ?a en forme sur ton site.Pour que je puisse t’aider un peu mieux, pourrais-tu me donner l’URL de ta liste, ainsi que de l’exemple qui te plait (je ne retrouve pas l’exemple dont je parle qui te plait :x, désolé) ?
Je reste à ta disposition,
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Bucket List] LayoutBonjour Laurence,
Pas de quoi ! avec plaisir ??
Pour les puces, non, seulement celle des bucket lists changeront, tu n’as pas à te soucier de cela. Par contre il faut trouver une image (comme nous dans l’admin) qui te convient.
Tu voudrais essayer avec les mêmes que dans l’administration du plugin ?A bient?t et bonne journée à toi aussi,
NicolasForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Bucket List] LayoutBonjour Laurence,
Alors pour rajouter de l’espace entre les listes il faut rajouter les insctructions suivantes dans ton style.css de ton theme :
.bucket {margin-top:15px;}
Tu peux augmenter ou réduire l’espace en augmentant la valeur (ici 15).En ce qui concerne l’espace entre les lignes des listes, de la même manière dans le style.css tu devrais rajouter ceci :
.bucket li {padding-top:5px;}
Tu rajoutes cela en allant à la ligne à chaque fois !
Maintenant pour les petits points (style des puces) il faudrait savoir ce que tu veux exactement comme icones / images. Dans notre admin (la croix c’est ?a ?) c’est une image. Tu peux la ré-utiliser je pense mais pour le code CSS exact je vais demander à Corinne !
Essaye déja donc de rajouter les lignes suivantes dans ton style.css :
.bucket {margin-top:15px;} .bucket li {padding-top:5px;}
Et tu me dis ce que ?a donne !
Bonne journée et à bient?t,
NicolasForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Bucket List] LayoutHello Laurence,
Encore une fois désolé pour ce temps de réponse un peu long, je ne voyais pas les notifications de WordPress et du support.
Je me permet de te répondre en Fran?ais pour qu’on puisse discuter plus simplement sur ce qui ne va pas (comme j’ai vue que le blog était en Fran?ais) !
Donc sur la liste que tu me montres la, j’imagine que ce qui ne vas pas c’est :
- L’espace entre chaque “catégorie” ?
- Le style des puces ne te convient pas peut-être ?
Si tu pouvais me détailler un peu l’affichage que tu attend je pourrais t’aider un peu plus !
A trés vite,
NicolasForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Bucket List] LayoutHello LaurenceV,
I think the presentation is more linked to your theme than the WordPress core, so i dont think it is an issue linked to WP 4.0 !
Your issue is on the presentation of shortcode ? widget ? or both maybe ?
Can we see an example of your result in front-end ? If we can do something on our side i’ll be able to see it ?? or help you as well !Best regards,
NicolasForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Bucket List] Add custom taxonomies to link featureHello chefjoef,
Yes ! an external (or internal to the blog) link can be a feature, i’ll add this to our discussion :).
To add your custom post type, you’ll have to edit the PHP file called “bucketlist.php” (you can find it on root of the plugin).
I recommend this :
1. Do a copy of this file (save)
2. Edit the “bucketlist.php” file
3. On line 469 you’ll find the following code :
'post_type' => Array('post','guide', 'addresses', 'address_book', 'photo', 'page'),
You have to add your custom post type slug to the array, for example :
'post_type' => Array('post','guide', 'addresses', 'address_book', 'photo', 'page', 'photography'),
4. Save and test !Let me know if you have any issues.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Bucket List] Sort order (feature request)Hello Timothy Spear,
Thanks for using our plugin!
Your suggestion is added to our discussion for the new version ??Best regards,
NicolasForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Bucket List] Add custom taxonomies to link featureHello chefjoef,
Sorry for the delay, we are really busy those days!
Actually you can’t associate a goal to a WordPress Category, and like you said the content is limited to the known post type (Page and post).
But the “WordPress Category” and “Post Type” (like post and page) are two different things and i’m not sure what you are talking about.
If i’m correct you tried to associate a goal with a custom post type added by another plugin ? If it’s that, you’ll have to edit our plugin PHP files which provide the content of the list, let me know if you want to try it out.Your suggestion is interesting and, i think, we will add these features on the new version, but actually we can’t provide any date.
Best regards,
NicolasForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Bucket List] Plugin not responding on dashboardHello!
I have tried to re-do the problem, and i obtained the error when an empty category is on “hide” state.
When the page is reload the plugin try to hide the content which not exist, so you get this error !We will update the plugin in order to fix this bugs, thank you for you return and your time !
Best regards,
NicolasForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Bucket List] Plugin not responding on dashboardOk i think this is the error who just block everything:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'replace' of undefined bucket-list.js?ver=3.9.1:318
This line try to get the state of the folder icon on the top right of a category (to hide / display the content of the category).
I have doing some test and it appeared that an HTML element is not correctly generated because of an empty Category, is this your case ?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Bucket List] Plugin not responding on dashboardHello Wenderella,
Looks like you have tested a lot around the plugin, so we will focus on the bucket list plugin and the admin page.
The first thing, can you check on the bucket-list admin page if you have any error on the JavaScript Console of your browser ?
Every action is performed in AJAX, if you have an error the problem can be explained.Other thing, did you remember if your problem appeared after an action ? Like add a goal or something ? Or generally by activating a new themes or plugins ?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Bucket List] sharable?Hello visioncreativewilson,
I’m sorry to respond so late !
If I understand well you want your site user’s can create their own list ?
Actually the plugin is designed to be “mono-user” like for a blogger, and the only option to fill the list is through the admins pages.I do not know if it helps, but do not hesitate to detail your problem here for more information !
Best regards,
NicolasForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Bucket List] Fetching Data is taking too long time and page keeps loadingHello!
I’m not sure but you talk about our twitter account’s links on Bucket Lists plugin administration’s screen ?
If so, it’s a bug and i’ve never faced to this issues but i’ll inspect!Which browser and version did you use ?
On your local wordpress (3.8 i presume ?), you dont have any other plugin activated ?Best regards,
NicolasForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Bucket List] Editable dates for completed items requestHello Sealance,
Thanks, your suggestions are noted!