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  • Thread Starter nblauw


    Oke, thanks anyway!

    Thread Starter nblauw


    I know $num_rows1 stands for the message count in my questbook, can i use the code above for the gallery for my questbook?

    Some code from dmsquestbook.php:

    // show DMSGuestbook entries
    	foreach ($query2 as $dbresult) {
    	$itemnr=($num_rows1 - $from++);
    $DMSGuestbookContent .= "<div class='css_navigation_totalcount'>($num_rows1)</div>";
    Thread Starter nblauw


    Thanks you very much!
    It’s working!!

    You are amazing

    Thread Starter nblauw



    class Hum_Theme {
    	public function __construct() {
    		// Late priority, to run after the parent theme's hook.
    		add_action( 'after_setup_theme', array( $this, 'after_setup_theme' ), 20 );
    		add_action( 'customize_register', array( $this, 'customize_register' ), 20 );
     	public function after_setup_theme() {
    		// Disable Twenty Eleven's theme options page.
    		remove_action( 'admin_menu', 'twentyeleven_theme_options_add_page' );
    	// Remove Twenty Eleven's layout and color scheme customizer controls.
    	public function customize_register( $wp_customize ) {
    		$wp_customize->remove_section( 'twentyeleven_layout' );
    		$wp_customize->remove_control( 'twentyeleven_color_scheme' );
    add_filter( 'the_title', 'do_shortcode' );
    add_shortcode( 'gallery_count', 'add_gallery_count' );
    add_filter('wp_nav_items', 'do_shortcode');
    add_filter( 'wp_title', 'do_shortcode' );
    add_filter( 'wp_list_pages', 'do_shortcode' );
    function add_gallery_count( $atts ) {
      global $post;
      if(isset( $post->post_content)) {
      	$gallery =  do_shortcode( $post->post_content );
      	if (preg_match_all( '/class=\'gallery-item\'\>/', $gallery, $matches ) ) {
    	  	$item_count = count( $matches[0] );
    	  	return $item_count;
    new Hum_Theme;

    Thread Starter nblauw


    I can see it on my dashboard (admin side of the website), i can see it on the page where the gallery is, but on the homepage i cant see it.

    Thread Starter nblauw


    Added the 3 lines to functions.php from my HUM theme, but it is still not working.

    Thread Starter nblauw


    In the sidebar left on the homepage in the menu you See ” fotoalbum ()”, when you click on it you go to the gallery. Look again at the menu and you See “fotoalbum (6)”

    Thread Starter nblauw


    Its a page with a gallery on it
    When you on the page you See (6), But when on the homepage you See ().

    Thanks for helping!

    Thread Starter nblauw


    I inserted the code in functions.php.
    Now Only in the page editor the number 6 shows up. ( like fotoalbum (6)) (Dashboard).
    When i go to my website it shows up like: fotoalbum ()

    How come?

    I edited functions.PHP of my theme HUM

    Thread Starter nblauw


    Same question for the DMSquestbook plugin on my site,
    How get the number of message in my questbook?

    Thanks again for your help!

    Thread Starter nblauw


    Thank you very much!
    Where do I place the codes?

    Thanks for the quick response!

    Thread Starter nblauw


    Posted on my mobile, sorry for that!

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