Thank you all for your kind answers!
I’m a beginner at making websites.
As my hosting server doesn’t allow me to install WordPress into the root directory, I’m trying just to change the URL as you suggested, but I still can’t do it..
I would appreciate it if you could look into the following..If I remove the “/wordpress/” part from the Site address setting (→, the “/wordpress/” part in each page’s URL will be removed successfully (ex:→, except for the Top page.
When I try to open the new Top page’s URL which has no “/wordpress/” at the end (, it will be redirected to the old Top page’s URL ( in a second automatically, and the Top page is showing “Error 404”.
As I explained above, other pages are working successfully with the correct URL (has no /wordpress/) while the Top page is not.
Wondering if this is the “auto redirecting Top page’s URL” thing causing the problem?
Thank you in advance.