chinmoy – &order=DESC is the default … I am wanting something other then the default.
Here is an example
post 1
post 2
post 3
post 4
post 5
post 6
post 7
post 8
Where Post 1 is the oldest ….
What we want is oldest first – but the most recent five:
it to show like this:
post 4
post 5
post 6
post 7
post 8
Here are results for things I have attempted:
&order=DESC =
post 8
post 7
post 6
post 5
post 4
&order=ASC = and &orderby=id&order=ASC =
post 1
post 2
post 3
post 4
post 5
&orderby=id&order=DESC = and &orderby=date&order=DESC =
post 8
post 7
post 6
post 5
post 4