Forum Replies Created
I’m sure the WP devs have reasons they needed to do things differently, btw. Probably something to do with legacy code, I guess.
It was adding an ?embed=true parameter for attachements.
Still haven’t figured out how to correctly get the featured_image, but attachment will be okay for now. I “like” how they make a completely different format for two different kinds of images. Who ever valued consistency in code, anyway? Everybody? Oh yeah, that’s right. Everybody.
It was not a Pods issue I finally discovered. If I could delete this whole thread, I would.
Okay, thank you.
I’m going to do a fresh install of wp and simply make the pod first and ONLY work on this problem. Then, I’m going to do it on another computer running an even more recent version of MAMP. If it doesn’t start working, I’ll post a bug report.
It seems like an issue with how WP API is accessing my paths.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Store Locator] CSV Manager questionsAwesome, thanks!
Hi Cory,
Thanks for replying. I did not see it until just now.
Turns out Pilvia just changed their server path from “localhost” to “mysql” and didn’t really point it out, so the only problem was that I kept putting the wrong path in.
Duplicator still works fine. Sorry about that!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Age Gate] Stopped working on LocalhostAh yeah, I’ll use the beta version of 1.4, then. Thanks!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Age Gate] Stopped working on LocalhostUpdate: the 1.4 alpha version works perfectly!
Very strange since I have no caching plugins on the sites and no caching that I know of on MAMP and when I installed Bitnami WP I did not install Varnish as part of the package so as to avoid any potential automatic caching issues.
It seems less like a caching issue and more like a cookie-refusal issue, though, doesn’t it? I don’t know. It’s awesome that you know, though.
I will keep using the 1.35 version on the live site, but if it ever breaks like my localhost, it’s great to know I have this 1.4 alpha version at the ready to replace it.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Age Gate] Stopped working on LocalhostI’ll give it a shot. Thanks!
btw, I don’t know where you’re located, but if it’s USA, I appreciate you responding on July 4. I worked half the day before I realized I have the day off! That’s what happens when you work from home, I guess. ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Age Gate] Stopped working on Localhost^ I deleted the cookie and saw the number go down from 24 to 23 cookies. Then, I re-entered my birdthday and viewed cookies again and it went back up to 24 cookies. So, it appears to be setting cookies fine.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Age Gate] Stopped working on LocalhostHey, I installed the web developer extension and it looks like PHPSESSID is set:
Value 9264445cfe2029e9bd68efee134207a2
Host localhost
Path /
Expires At end of session
Secure No
HttpOnly NoForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Age Gate] Stopped working on LocalhostI also just tried it with a Bitnami installer version of WordPress instead of a MAMP version. That doesn’t work on localhost, either
No idea what happened.
This is some real mysterious stuff here.
I’d be tempted to think it was a browser extension except for the fact that Firefox has zero add-ons (extensions) activated. Cookies are on the default settings of “recommended” everywhere.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Age Gate] Stopped working on LocalhostHi Phil,
I just want to point out that this WAS working locally last week or I would have never used the plugin for the live site. I tested out 3 or 4 plugins and just when I found this one I thought, “this is awesome! This does exactly what I wanted!”
Here are my results:
1. Yes / No option does not work on local, but they work on live
2. Dropdown option does not work on local, but it works on live
3. Deactivating all my other plugins did not work
4. Browsers:
Chrome browser – doesn’t work on local site, works on live site.
Opera browser – same
Firefox – same
5. BONUS: I installed a new website running WordPress 4.8 running Twenty Seventeen theme with no other plugins (just a clean default WP install). It did not work in any browser…same as above.
6. BONUS 2: I set up a redirect URL for failed attempts ( and it did not redirect, either. Same with all browsers tested above. Firefox and Opera have no extensions on my machine, so it is not an extension interference.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Age Gate] Stopped working on LocalhostSomething odd is when I delete your plugin and then reinstall it, it has all the same settings saved from when I had it installed previously. So, it seems like it is not really deleting itself from the database. I don’t have any cache plugins to keep those settings and I always do a force-refresh to empty browser cache.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Age Gate] Stopped working on LocalhostI don’t know what this means:
Can you also check it with the yes/no and drop down options to see if it still happens there?
There are no yes/no or dropdown options in the Age Gate settings.
I will turn off all my other plugins and see what happens.