3 years, 3 months ago
I have translated the last 2 missing strings for german at this page:
When you scroll down to the end there are many languages in the waiting/fuzzy tab like german and hebrew. That’s what i meant with maybe they can be updated.
I mean this line <div><span class="dk-speakout-count">0</span>[...]</div>. I would suggest something like <div class="dk-speakout-counter-wrap">
<div><span class="dk-speakout-count">0</span>[...]</div>
<div class="dk-speakout-counter-wrap">
I will create a git diff and then send it to you, but i have not development branch.
And finally i can provide code to use speakout as gutenberg block instead of/additional to the shortcodes.
Also the checkboxes arn’t consistent. The dk-speakout-optin-wrap uses another structure than for example dk-speakout-anonymise-wrap
I would suggest to change the optin similar to the anonymise.