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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-SpamShield] Serious bug in wp-spamshield. to my post:
“So there is “acceptance” of a certain amount of error …”
Should be:
“So there is NO “acceptance” of a certain amount of error ..”
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-SpamShield] Serious bug in wp-spamshield.
This is all explained in the plugin documentation, and in the FAQs, and Troubleshooting Guide.
It might be but there’s so much to read, something like this should be made clearer, up top, that more then form submissions might be blocked.
All WordPress . org plugin use is based on the principle that you take responsibility for your website. We are offering you a free gift, and how you choose to use it is up to you. If there is any risk to your reputation from an element of your website not functioning as you like, then you need to employ a full-time web developer to manage it. Please do not try to assign that burden to free plugin developers. We are merely creating something in hopes it may benefit the community. Keep in mind we are under no obligation to provide support, yet we do so anyway. All responsibility for a website belongs to the website owner, not anyone else.
I think you’re being over sensitive rather than taking my comments in the spirit they are made. SpamShield is to be commended not just for their free product, nor for their free and responsive support, but for the seriousness with which they take their users interests — i.e. your zero false positive commitment. What that says to potential users you are a serious developer and are concerned about your users. That inspires confidence and my remarks are in that spirit. Given you are serious about your users, legal disclaimers notwithstanding (even commercial software products have them), my comments were merely to draw your attention that your product has the potential to have serious unintended side-effects, and so I was just pointing out that given the seriousness and confidence with which you respect your users, that these side effects are something that (again legal disclaimers notwithstanding) can impact that confidence in you and so was bringing them to your attention so you are able to see if there is a way to mitigate them — better for you, better for your users.
Logging is included in the plugin. It is explained in the documentation that the plugin blocks many types of spam. FAQs cover what to do if something was blocked that you believe should not have been.
As I said that presupposes we even think to look at Spamshield as a source of the problem. So I made a suggestion.
WRT my suggestion, I understand you are blocking only bad requests, but until a user actually uses your plugin he’s not got its benefit. So what I’m suggesting is something along the lines of a “grace learning period” on installation where the plugin learns what is normal (with some user input) and what is not, and then if some request from a trusted source (like amazon) all of a sudden gets blocked as spam, the user can be alerted. So there is “acceptance” of a certain amount of error, but rather an alert system for the users given the blockages can be more serious. Again better for you, better for the users.
There are probably may variations on how to do this, but I’m simply suggesting a way for the user to be alerted when something changes and “normal” sources all of a sudden get rejected. Say for example like Amazon changes its API call, then knowing that amazon was a trusted source and not it’s not meeting the specs, you could alert the user this source has changed and is being rejected.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-SpamShield] Serious bug in wp-spamshield. for the update. Works fine.
However this experience leaves some lingering concerns though.
Obviously Spam-Shield is sensitive to such things and is blocking more than just spam form submissions. I was lucky I found SpamShield was the problem. And that was after 3 days of frustration and digging in all corners to find what was the problem as there are no warning about such things being blocked by Spamshield and one is led to believe that only form submissions are blocked.
Blocking spam form submissions is one thing, blocking transaction requests, like Amazon SNS bounce notifications, is quite another and impact operations that can affect one’s reputation. So:
a) How can we be better alerted that SpamShield is blocking non-form related visits — and what those are, so we can see if there any important ones being blocked?
Yes you have a log, but that is insufficient as it presupposes we suspect Spamshield to start with when we may not even think to look there. Because who knows if there are other transaction requests being blocked — or that may all of sudden become blocked because they are changed and look like spam to Spamshield — and we can’t wait for failures to occur — as some are not acceptable — and then think “ah maybe it’s SpamShield”.
So Spamshield needs to first know/learn what is “normal” for the website before it starts filtering. And then, once it is filtering, it needs to create dashboard and email alerts when something “normal” is all of a sudden being blocked.
b) How sensitive is the patch to changes Amazon may put in their URL requests?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-SpamShield] Serious bug in wp-spamshield. your new version ( didn’t work. It’s still blocking Amazon SNS.
v1.9.8.4 was the last one that worked.
I have been through all of your troublshooting guide and FAQ steps and will submit a Support request.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Termly - GDPR/CCPA Cookie Consent Banner] X icon disappearForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Termly - GDPR/CCPA Cookie Consent Banner] X icon disappearIt doesn’t matter if I deactivate the style sheet or not X icon never shows.
Brilliant! Thanks.
Is there anyway, on mobiles, to make the text wrap under the button and move the button to the upper right or lower left of the bottom bar? This way, with large amount of text, it will take less room on screen since the space above and below the button will be used instead of remaining blank.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Termly - GDPR/CCPA Cookie Consent Banner] X icon disappearSame problem for me, the X icon never shows up for me – regardless of the “deactivate the stylesheet” option. Am using the latest version from today that fixed the iphone problem.
Great product works flawlessly, almost! I have the same problem here on:
– iPhone 4s:– iPad 2: else works fine.
Yes please help!
Any suggestions?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [AddToAny Share Buttons] Can't figure out if email button can do what I wantAlso following the instructions to make the transparent, inverted, black colour icons doesn’t work in Firefox (in the latest version no icons appear and the mouse doesn’t even register any links where they should be, in an earlier version, the icons showed up as white): Chrome they show up: suggestions?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [AddToAny Share Buttons] Can't figure out if email button can do what I wantOk I have finally got the icons displaying where I want, but can’t seem to figure out how to change the colour of the icon. I want a transparent background with a light shade of grey. All I can get is black, per your instructions here:
I’ve tried:
a .a2a_svg { -webkit-filter: grayscale(1); filter: grayscale(1); }
a .a2a_svg { -webkit-filter: grayscale(100); filter: grayscale(100); }
a .a2a_svg { -webkit-filter: grayscale(100%); filter: grayscale(100%); }And none work. How can I set the actual grey colour I want?
Also still no luck with getting a simple pop up email form — not firing up a native email client or email service (aol, gmail, etc.). What you suggested is to customize the content but does not get me an pop up email form like this another social sharing service gives: suggestons?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [AddToAny Share Buttons] Can't figure out if email button can do what I wantThanks for your quick reply.
I have got the icons appearing under the the posts and working, although they are not in the write place. My theme allows me to inject HTML at the right place but I was wondering where I can get the HTML that produces the icons the way I have configured them (colours, buttons, sizes, etc.) in the WordPress config panel for Add-to-Any?
I’ve tried every email icon and I can’t find any that pops up an email form. All are for e-mail services or fire up my desktop email application. Perhaps I’m missing something?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [reCaptcha by BestWebSoft] Sounds like a good plugin, if it worksAh, that’s because I found another plugin that worked find and am using that (as you probably saw). Thanks for getting back to me.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Pipes] Ginner not workingThat is good to know you can use regular expressions, but isn’t the ginner supposed to return what is INSIDE the tag?
Here is the example from your documentation:
Get INNTER CONTENT from input HTML source for the “div” tag with a string “post” inside that div, no matter that string is id, class or any attribute.
For example:
<html>...<body>...<div class=”post” id=”whatever” what_ever=”attribute”>I want to get this text</div>...</body></html>
Will return “I want to get this text” by using above sample.
My understanding from your documentation example is that ginner should NOT return:
<div>I want to get this text</div>
But this is what I get. When I use ginner I get the tag AND its contents.
Forum: Plugins
1) I have the following HTML in a post:<time class="entry-date published" datetime="2015-12-22T23:52:37+00:00">December 22, 2015</time>
I can use the ginner to get “December 22, 2015” but that is not what I want. I want to get the value of the attribute datetime. I would like to get “2015-12-22T23:52:37+00:00”. How can I get this, i.e. get an attribute’s value?
If I could use regular expressions in the replace function then I could get it very easily like this:
replace|{line}|<time class="entry-date published" datetime="(.*)">.*</time>|$1|
Please consider allowing regular expressions in the replace. It would be ***very, very*** useful and powerful.
2) In RSS feeds, they do not use <enclosure> but include the WordPress categories and tags assigned to a post. Both are coded as:
<category><![CDATA[... category name goes here ...]]></category>
Is there anyway to get ‘<![CDATA[… category name goes here …]]>` from the RSS feed?
Then once I have that, if I could use regular expressions in the HTML parser replace function I could extract “… category name goes here …” very easily, like this:
3) I’m still confused about the meta processor. Can you give an example of how it is used and explain exactly what information it used for?
4) Also for the metakey destination. Can you give an example of where its information goes in the post?
5) I still don’t understand, what is “fix time”. I read the documentation here:<br> it says:
“This Option will set a lag time between time article being published in the source and the time outputted by obGrabber RSS Reader Engine. By default it is set to -24, meaning the outputted time will be 24 hours earlier than the publish time of your original article.”
But I don’t understand what this means. Can you give an exact example with times.
6) Also can you explain the cache? It is unclear what is being cached and where?
7) When I use the ginner on the demo html parser to get inside an
tag, it still returns the full a tag as if it was not ginned. Looks like a bug. Also how to specify an<a>
tag which has no class or id?Thx