I fixed it by editing the file includes/class-cpt-alm-shortcodes.php
Line 155:
$html .= apply_filters('cpt_alm_post_not_found', 'Post not found');
$html .= apply_filters('cpt_alm_post_not_found', 'Post not found', $cpt_alm_id);
add added 2 arguments at add_filter:
function change_the_ajax_loop_not_found_text($default_text, $id){
if($id == 'custom-id'){
return 'something else not found';
} else {
return '<p style="padding-left: 10px">Nothing found.</p>';
add_filter( 'cpt_alm_post_not_found', 'change_the_ajax_loop_not_found_text', 10, 2); //--2 args
Please let me know if there is a better fix or the plugin file must be updated?