Hi all. I’m a web developer, I have used svn in the past as my primary version control system, it’s pretty straight forward if you have a knowledge of bash commands, but if you don’t it can be a bit daunting. I used these steps (and ran the following commands) to download the forever theme. This process will download A LOT of different themes to your computer, one of which will be the forever theme. I am on a mac, which comes with svn installed, so if you are using a mac you are probably good to go, otherwise you may have to install svn.
1) open terminal
2) you will see the command prompt. any commands you write will be executed.
3) type the following commands one at a time:
cd ~/
mkdir svn
cd svn
svn co https://wpcom-themes.svn.automattic.com/ wordperss_themes
4) you will see svn downloading a ton of wordpress files into the folder you created called “wordpress_themes”.
Voila, you now have a ton of free wordpress themes. Thank you wordpress!