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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [G-Forms hCaptcha] W3C ValidatorHi,
Here is the exact error :
The value of the “for” attribute of the “label” element must be the ID of a non-hidden form control.
Here is the relevant code :
<div id="field_2_31" class="gfield gfield--type-honeypot gform_validation_container field_sublabel_below gfield--has-description field_description_below gfield_visibility_visible" data-js-reload="field_2_31"> <label class='gfield_label gform-field-label' for='input_2_31' >Email</label> <div class='ginput_container'><input name='input_31' id='input_2_31' type='text' value='' autocomplete='new-password'/></div> <div class='gfield_description' id='gfield_description_2_31'>This field is only used for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.</div> </div>
Can you fix it please ?
Sorry, you can close the ticket, finally the problem comes from another plugin.
Sorry for inconvenience.
Best wishes.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [My Favorites] PHP Notice Undefined variableForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Social Feed | All social media in one place] Facebook Feed not showingForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Social Feed | All social media in one place] Facebook Feed not showingAuthor replied me.
Unfortunately, he don’t have a solution for this problem : when I post a Facebook message without images, i can’t see it and the older posts.
I try Juicer :
and Social Feed :
But i need this plugin for 3 social feeds and they’re expansive.Now, i use Flow-Flow Social Stream :
It’s free version for 4 social feeds and it’s for with Facebook when i post a Facebook message without images.all the best
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Woocommerce CSV importer] filename don’t workHi,
This is my log file with one product pour example :
— Skipping the first line
Product found (SKU), ID is: 3646
—–> Row
Product saved with ID: 3646
featured image is imported using the filename
The image is attached as featured image
—–> end rowno error, but i don’t see image on my product page.
If i use internal URL in my csv file, it’s works, but after one importation it duplicates my products images.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [No longer updated - Boxtal] Modifications impossiblesBonsoir,
Merci beaucoup à @rocou d’avoir partagé cette solution. J’utilise les dernières versions de WordPress 4.6.1), Woocommerce (2.6.8) et EnvoiMoinsCher (2.0.8). Depuis les dernières mises à jour, je n’arrivais pas à enregistrer l’adresse d’enlèvement par défaut dans le module EnvoiMoinsCher et de même pour les règles de prix des transports.
Depuis que j’ai exécuté les requêtes SQL que tu as partagées, ?a marche à nouveau !
Merci beaucoup et bonne continuationForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Social Feed | All social media in one place] Facebook Feed not showingForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Social Feed | All social media in one place] Facebook Feed not showingHi,
I’ve same problem when I post a Facebook message without images, i can’t see it and the older posts.
I tried different solutions and settings but always same problem.
I contacted the support on Web Settler website, but didn’t receive any messages by them.Can you please tell me if you have any return from them?