This didn’t work for me. I’m trying to link a sub menu item in a mega menu to a specific location on page and it doesn’t jump to that location and doesn’t open the spoiler item either.
This is what I got…
WP Menu >> Custom Link:
Link: rel_url…#Spoller-1
Link: rel_url…#Spoller-2
Link: rel_url…#Spoller-3
In page where accordion resides:
[su_spoiler title=”Spoiler title” anchor=”Spoiler-1″] Spoiler content [/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”Spoiler title” anchor=”Spoiler-2″] Spoiler content [/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”Spoiler title” anchor=”Spoiler-3″] Spoiler content [/su_spoiler]
Any help will be appreciated!! Thanks!