i changed the site url and blog url sections under settings before i transferred the site.
I even tried to restore the site via my hosts ftp restore option and its still outta whack.
the home and about me at the bottom of the page were because I set that link. I cant log into change the information. when i click log in on either of the broken sites it gives me a “cannot be found message”
i think i found out the problem. I mistyped the new blog name when i changed the information under settings before transferring. thats why when i try to log in it gives me the error message.
this is the correct link https://momistabeginnings.com/wp-login.php
this is the incorrect link https://momistabeggings.com/wp-login.php which is that the site points to…
the link you mentioned above is a little to complex for me. any suggestions?