18 years, 11 months ago
Does the theme you’re using have a links page? If it does, it should be real easy to set one up.
The read-me is still out of date. When you update your plugin it is only simple courtesy to update the read-me.
I went ahead and deleted it. The only thing I can think of is that Bad Behavior and iCab (Mac browser) just don’t get along.
No such link.
So the theme has to be sized to fit the image. Has anybody looked into having the image automatically resize to fit the theme? A plugin maybe?
And what about relative theme resizing? For different screen resolutions?
What window? I have buttons instead, which I’ll be using from now on.
BTW, the code’s disappeared. If somebody did a stealth upgrade on my blog, my thanks. ??
Regular. My machine and browser won’t support the wysiwyg editor.
I think it’s the regular.
18 years, 12 months ago
Sorry. You can find the place at:
Of course, it could be a browser/platform specific thing.
Downloaded quick and had no problem extracting it.
Check your unzipping utility. Might be a problem with your version or its configuration.
Wouldn’t a look at the style sheets for each theme work better?
What about the style sheet specifications? Can they be changed?
Never mind, I found it.
(If it weren’t for scotch tape my head would fall off.)
Let me put it this way; using the default template, default sidebar does not have the “list pages” code.
Below you will find what my sidebar template coding looks like (Yes, I deleted the links). Where do I put the “Get Calendar” code?
The problem with me is, I don’t know how to do it. If I did, I would post it. So maybe I should try another tack. Off to post on the “Themes” forum. ??