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I’ve found the issue and *my* fix
When the tables are created, they aren’t named with a prefix (eg: wp_). This is a bug in the code that needs looking at.
manually going into phpmyadmin, exporting the new tables, dropping them and importing with the prefix worked for me. Errors gone and running as expected.
I have a custom prefix, but would expect it to be a problem even with the default “wp_” prefix.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: How to add an icon to SexyBookMarks???Hi Jim
I don’t know if you’ve sussed this yet, but I posted on my blog about how you can achieve this. Find the answer here: deepakeapen
Could you start a new thread for this?
I’ll have a go at answering it in therecheers
I knew you’d be back Monkus!
Very rudimentary questions, but hey, you’re learning and that’s how you learn.
Arrays aren’t the most obvious thing to get your head around, but you’ll definitely have a lightbulb moment one day and wonder what all the fuss was. Before I post the code, I suggest you have a look here: Array is basically just a list, defined by wrapping it in the
function.Now, by “add to the beginning”, I mean INTO the array. So they’ll look like this:
if ($this->job['campaign_enable_template']){ $vars = array( $substrcontent, '{content}', '{title}', '{permalink}', '{feedurl}', '{feedtitle}', '{feeddescription}', '{feedlogo}', '{campaigntitle}', '{campaignid}' );
$replace = array( $replacewith, $content, $item->get_title(), $item->get_link(), $feed->feed_url, $feed->get_title(), $feed->get_description(), $feed->get_image_url(), $this->job['name'], $this->jobid );
Your second:
The PHP code has basically given you a brand new template tag for use in the admin interface. You can add anything in there to format the post, or you can add nothing. so you could add:
<div> {substrcontent|100} <a href="">link</a> </div>
And the post would be wrapped in a
, trimmed to 100 characters (intelligently) with a link at the end. Or you could add:{substrcontent|100}
And it wouldn’t be wrapped, wouldn’t have a link, but would be trimmed.
You add this here:
https://www.[YOURDOMAIN.COM]/wp-admin/admin.php?page=WPeMatico&subpage=edit&jobid=%5BID%5D&_wpnonce=%5B123456789%5DAny good?
I haven’t tested it in the wild, or on masses of posts across masses of feeds. You’ll need to edit one of the plugin’s core PHP files too, so back yo’ s**t up! if it breaks anything it’s your own fault.
Remember, if you update this plugin, any edits you make directly to the code will be overwritten, so it’ll stop working. I’M NOT THE DEVELOPER and I don’t know him. I’m just a well meaning coder willing to give abit of spare time to earn some good karma.
add the following function RIGHT AT THE TOP so it’s the first function in the file (that way, you don’t wreck anything else):
function snippetgreedy($text,$length=64,$tail="...") { $text = trim($text); if(strlen($text) > $length) { for($i=0;$text[$length+$i]!=" ";$i++) { if(!$text[$length+$i]) { return $text; } } $text = substr($text,0,$length+$i) . $tail; } return $text; }
Credit function taken from here:
Now, search for:
$content = str_ireplace($vars, $replace, ($this->job['campaign_template']) ? stripslashes($this->job['campaign_template']) : '{content}');
(prob around line 400 ish)
Above that you’ll see 2 arrays:
, we’re gonna edit them slightly in a minute, but not yet. Directly above those 2 arrays add this:$substrcontent = '';//initialise variable $replacewith = '';//initialise variable if($this->job['campaign_template'] && stripos('@'.$this->job['campaign_template'],'substrcontent')){ preg_match_all("/\{substrcontent|\d+\}/", $this->job['campaign_template'], $theNum); $theNum = str_replace('}','',$theNum[0][1]); if(strlen($content) >= $theNum){ $substrcontent = '{substrcontent|'.$theNum.'}'; $replacewith = snippetgreedy($content,$theNum,'(...)'); } }
this bit:
is the end of the trimmed content, so that could be...
or...and theres more...
or anything you like.Now, those 2 arrays need editing, so add
and add$replacewith,
Save and upload.
You’ve now got a brand new template tag:
which allows for a number to dictate how long you want the content to be. For instance:{substrcontent|100}
will trim the content to 100 characters{substrcontent|250}
will trim it to 250 characters. It’ll do it intelligently too, so won’t strip in the middle of a word but strip at the end of the word soonest after your xxx characters adding(...)
at the end.If you use
(no number) it’ll default to 64 characters. if you use{substrcontent}
it’ll do nothing, so don’t do that!The best thing is it only trims the content of the post in the feed, leaving your template as is, so a template of
<div> {substrcontent|10} <a href="">link</a> </div>
and a post of
1234567890 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
will trim to your database as:
<div> 1234567890(...) <a href="">link</a> </div>
Which I believe solves all the above problems!
I’m not 100% this is the best way to do this, but it works.
Let me know how you get on.
It’s not deactivating it, it’s just stripping it out.
If your template is thus:
<div> {content} <a href="link">link</a>
Then the code starts the count at the first
and strips from xxx characters, therefore stripping out the final link.It’d be great if the template tags could accept a substr function. something like
of `substr({content},115}) would do. But alas, not yet.The problem is, we can’t trim the
at source without editing the plugin directly, in which case, we’d lose any edits on update.I’ll have a play and see if I can come up with an edit that’ll sort it for you.
OK, this is possible but it’ll take some time. I’ll be back
Add the function posted above to
Add those other lines to both
where you find the call tothe_content()
Did I mention that I don’t know the first thing about code. I just remove things and see if it works, if not, I put it back and try something else.
Dude, that’s how I started. 7 years on and I make my living from coding!
Back to your prob: You’re overthinking it. Put all the PHP code back to where you’d limited the length of the post in single.php.
Now, login to wp-admin, go to your WPeMatico campaigns and choose any campaign. Scroll to the bottom and look for “Post Template”. Click “enable post template”.
Add the following in the text area:
{content} <a href="{permalink}">Read Original Article: {title} »</a>
Edit that code to your needs, but I’m assuming that seeing as you’re already hacking PHP to bits, you’ve got a decent grasp on HTML.
All my campaigns use post templates.
One warning though, if you decide to put an image in the post template (I use the rss source’s logo), it will get added to the media library every time a new story comes in. I have 1000’s of duplicate logo’s in my library.
Is it a bug or a feature? I don’t know, but I’m guessing it’s a slight bug. I’m getting round it by removing the images and using a CSS trick to display them instead.
$excludeArray = array(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10);//array of Category IDs containing your WPeMatico Auto Posts $category = get_the_category(); $iCatId = $category[0]->cat_ID; if(in_array($iCatId,$excludeArray)){ echo custom_trim_excerpt(110);// echo the trimmed text } else { the_content();// etc }
Incase you don’t know, to get the numeric ID of a Category, just hover over the “edit” link in admin
Your answer is here: change
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: WPeMatico] Need to get only the new postsDon’t delete them.
If you’re deleting 9/10 of the posts it fetches, why not set all of them to DRAFT by default, then only publish the ones you want. It sounds like you’re doing alot of manual intervention, so doing it this way won’t hurt.
To keep your post list clean in admin, move all the posts you’re not using to TRASH, but don’t delete permanently for a month or so. WPeMatico will still de-dupe against TRASHed posts
Monkus: The above code should work for you, Just make sure you replace
in single.php too.Pardon my butting in etruel
Shouldn’t that be:
{content} <a href="{permalink}">Go to Source</a>
Or do
serve the same purpose? I assumed that{feedurl}
would be the URL of the RSS feed, as it was in wp-o-maticMy bad if I’m wrong
Nice find gdaddy. Been banging my head on this problem all day, should’ve looked here first.
Well, that was suprisingly easy!
This bugfix is only tested in WPeMatico V 0.7Beta. As always, back everything up before you make changes. You do this at your own risk.
Open: wp-content/plugins/wpematico/app/wpematico_dojob.php
On Line 331 find:
$name = substr(strrchr($imagen_src, "/"),1);
Change that to:
$name = str_replace(array(' ','%20'),'-',substr(strrchr($imagen_src, "/"),1));
That should change all spaces and %20 in filenames to a hyphen as it saves to the uploads dir and as it writes to the post.
I ASSUME that will work for you as it has worked for me. Remember that any changes you make won’t affect already posted posts, so you’ll have to delete all old posts and start again. Luckily I found this before going live, so I’m alright ??