14 years, 9 months ago
@atul1280: I think i love you ?? … 11x
the code should be on page template…
why dont you just make a huge picture of the album?
Decode this please :)… 11x
come on… i need this!
14 years, 10 months ago
Awesome, what should i do now?
I have many blogs, but that one is the only one that had this kind of error and it is the only one that was visited from that ip…
When i’ve opened the page , the control pannel cames out with an advertising at the bottom right of the screen…
I’ve runned it 15 mins after i’ve visited that website.
Avira AntiVir 2010 and even SpyWare Search & Destroy
I’ve made some research about this and the website and, after i open the ip webpage, i found this:
That I WILL NOT OPEN because firefox, norton and many others reported it as “virust containing webpage”.
The ip appears even on some chinese pages!
15 years ago
It slows down when i put the WP Function
<?php posts_nav_link(); ?>
With the plugin works fine (:
Thanks a lot mate, really useful !
Thanks … that’s only another problem… when i put the code the blog became very slow to load everything on the page, can you tell me what should i do?
Dunno if you’ll like it:
i can try to make one for you…
Go in Appearance > Editor
Select Footer.php
Add this at the end of the page:
<?php wp_footer(); ?> </body> </html>
Good Luck and Have Fun!
It’s Awesome but sometime it doesn’t work with ASK