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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [CGM Event Calendar] [Plugin: CGM Event Calendar] LanguageNoone got a tip on how to implement translations for the dates? Or got an alternative calendar?
Just wanted to reply this here aswell.
Thanks for the Info. I don’t want to mess around with css atm, if I have to change it back soon ™, I’ll just sit tight and wait for the update.
Thanks for the reply
Thanks for the Info. I don’t want to mess around with css atm, if I have to change it back soon ™, I’ll just sit tight and wait for the update.
Thanks for the reply
It is still not resolved here ?? Should I meake a new post?
Todays update still msipalces the button on my site witht eh original settings. Maybe you can give a hint on how to avoid that?
Thanks in advance
For example here or here:’ll reverse the change asap. Thansk for the heads up ??
The fix doesn’t work for me. Changed both “a2a_kit addtoany_list” in “add-to-any.php” to “a2a_kit_addtoany_list”. Then emptied caches, etc. The location is still misplaced.
I want the button to be int he same like as the other meta data in the header, behind the “|2 where it was before today ??
For example here: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: W3 Total Cache] How to Uninstall with no Admin PanelJust to give Frederick Townes some credit, this plugin is amazing. Sure it is a bit overwhelming to set up at the start. If you are still playing around with your site, chanign plugins, designs, widget then you don’t have to enable everything at once.
Even if you only enable browser and page caching the site will be faster than than what supercache provides – for my site at least.
But if you add object, database caching and minify the difference will be huge.There are some real nice installation tutorials. This is the one I followed:
It worked fine and now, after optimization, the site runs way way faster.Once you got it running it is an amazing plugin, even though google downlaoded more pages a day, it used only a fraction of transferred megabytes and the time spend downlaoding a page went from 5.6 seconds to 380ms …
a) always make a backup before fiddling around with your site
b) professional – and free of charge – plugins like this may require more indepth knowledge about your server
c) It is easy to point fingers, but Frederick seems genuinely interested in fixing possible bugs and even replies to mails faster than many paid services.Thanks
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Captcha-Free] [Plugin: WP Captcha-Free] Cannot post IE8Well, the Idea was to avoid having spam even get into the database and not to bother visitors with it.
I found the kind of addon I was looking for today:
NoSpamNX – it adds some hidden form fields and spam bots will touch these fields which will block the comment. Easy, no extra gx, javascript or anything. works like a charm, even with cache.
Today Webmaster tools stopped showing errors, even though I did not change anything the past days.
this resolves the ticket and answer the question from the last post, too. Just a bit sad that even though the Author responded to other threads during the past weeks, he ignored this one.Noone has an idea if that is an error caused by the plugin or a display parsing error at google webmasters tools?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Captcha-Free] [Plugin: WP Captcha-Free] Cannot post IE8It seems to be well working, but the real advantage of WP Captcha-Free was that you did not bother your commenters with that kind of stuff as it worked nice in the background.
But I guess it is not big usse for them to do … I had 644 spam comments the 2 days I left WP Captcha-Free turned off ??
Thanks for the advice.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Captcha-Free] [Plugin: WP Captcha-Free] Cannot post IE8Thanks for the quick reply, I’ll have a look at it.
I redownloaded the plugin, reinstalled, deleted the old xml, let it parse again Video Site Map
Webmasters instantly shows the same errors again as above.
I haven’t found further infromation to this, as stated above teh syntax looks correct, you can take a look yourself here.
Webmaster Tools say:
Line 15: Invalid date – An invalid date was found. Please fix the date or formatting before resubmitting.
Parent tag: video
Tag: publication_date
Value: 2010-08-24T03:50:44+0000
Problem detected on: Aug 25, 2010and on further date lines furhter below.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [W3 Total Cache] [Plugin: W3 Total Cache] Compatibility Test ErrorsI also had some issues with getting W3 to work. Took my like 3 days of tweaking, but now the result is awesome.
I used to run supercache and recently used the preload mode, when I changed to w3 I just noticed I had like 5 sec response time suddenly. I had to learn on apache, php, mysql, used a virtual host as cdn but response time was still slow.
I learnt a lot about optimizing these tools settings, which isn’t so easy on a vserver with plesk ??
But these 3 days were totally worth it and I was able to get my site way faster than it had been with supercache before. Probably more because of installing tools like xcache, removing old plugins than pure w3 ownage, but I can definitely see its advantages for a busy website and I am glad I learnt a bit about it.
On a sidenote, thanks for delivering such an outstanding plugin.