I too am having a very similar problem displaying amazon.ca wishlists from a website mentioned above – lazyi.net/projects/amazon-wishlist/
and a website I found: https://www.thestrongcross.com/?page_id=14
I get nothing at all after installing and configuring it exactly how I want it. In fact all css on the page ceases to be called after it calls on the wishlist function – that is I see “My Amazon Wishlist” on a page or sidebar and below it the background and formatting disappear.
here is some code with my wishlist number
‘<?php displayAmazonWishlist(“2PG3HNCXLKRK8”); ?>’
This particular plugin required me to download the ‘xml parser’ plugin, the ‘wp-amazon-workflow’ plugin and then the ‘wp-amazon-wishlist plugin’ which I did but with no luck. Anybody help me out??