16 years, 4 months ago
slow… i was moving in a slow retarted mode,lol
heck yea!!! tahnks again for your help i was moving in safemode<LOL
i know how to install it.. i just have to get the rite mysql user name and password thats all
bulhata its your config file trust me
any clues to what can help me start this 2nite?
o im on a seperate account mysite is or
my friend that gave me te space on his vps so i can host my worpdess site
thanks BTW you wer a huge heep!
yes he didnt tell me that i was assuming it was one or the other but i guess i have to wait till 2marow for that…
what correct info are you speaking about btw? im new to this installing stuff on servers
i did taht.. i jsut got done with te config file now i went to this and nuthing happens
so how do i install it then?
i ahving the same problem, i go and click on the php file and it goes to download it? why is that?