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Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: List of EmoticonsNot sure what happened to that page, but this one may help: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Themes although switching OK do not workOK, well for one you should be running the latest version of WordPress, 1.5.2 . You can download it from this site. Upgrading may fix the problem, although I doubt it.
Also try switching themes from default to classic and see if that makes any difference (ie. does the theme work correctly)
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: How to change font family of content display?If myFont.ttf isn’t one of the default fonts that comes installed with Operating Systems like Windows, then I wouldn’t be using it on your website.
Using custom, and uncommon fonts can be a huge headache for everyone.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Themes although switching OK do not workWell it did make a difference, your host’s server is now allowing wordpress to execute the CSS file. THe only reason you blog isn’t looking right now is that there is a problem with the ofrmatting of your CSS file.
Did you change anything in the file? How are you uploading your wordpress files? I perosnally use an FTP client like SmartFTP ( to do all my uploading, and I have never had a problem.
My suggestion is to completly reupload a fresh, unedited version of the deafult theme and activate it. If that doesn’t work then perhaps you should completly reinstall wordpress via an FTP client, rather than fooling around with Binary and ASCII modes.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: HOw do i add RSS feeds to my site?You already have an RSS Feed. All wordpress driven blogs do b default unless it is disabled by the site owner.
It can be found here: regards to adwords, this may be close to what you are looking for: future reference, either read the WordPress Codex (, or check WP Plugins ( for your answers before posting here in the support forums.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: CHMOD QuestionsI’ve personally never had to change permissions on a plugin file, but that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t happen. I’ve never heard of it though.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Dynamic Meta Section (sidebar)This is some pretty old coding, and I personally havn’t tested it myself, but it sounds like it may work for you.
global $user_level;
if ($user_level < 1) {
else {
?>You’ll obviously have to customize it to suit your needs, but with some basic PHP knowledge it shouldn’t be hard to integrate. It would be interesting to see if it works.
Original code posting found here: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Themes although switching OK do not workChange the CHMOD permissions to 644. Doing so will probably cause your host to stop blocking it’s execution.
The CSS file that I just linked to in my previous post is the culprit. If that is too complicated, follow this:
Wordpress Directory > wp-content > themes > default > style.cssForum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Themes although switching OK do not workOK, I tried to access you CSS file. It exists, but your host refuses to execute it because it is ‘Group Writable’. This means you need to change the CHMOD permissions for your CSS file.
See the error message here: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Themes although switching OK do not workYour blogs URL would be helpful so we can check it out to find any problems.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Hide something if custom field emptyHave you read this?
The codex is a pretty good resource for this kind of thingForum: Alpha/Beta/RC
In reply to: Permalinks OK but WP loads archive list instead of single postI had the same problem in WP2.0RC1. The problem only occured however when i added a directory slug for categories that was the same as the first part of the slug for posts.
for posts
/products/category/subcategory/post name
for categories
/products/category nameOnce I removed the custom category edit, all worked fine again. Weird eh? Perhaps this is what you are experiencing too? Not sure if the same problem occurs in WP1.5.2 or below, haven’t tested it.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Inserting A Custom PageI found that Intouch by Venushka Perera was the best contact form plugin. You can read about it and download it here:
It creates an admin page in your WP Admin where you customize it, and it also tells you how to insert it into a page, which is by simply adding <!–intouch–> when you create a page via WP Admin.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: How to remove the numbers next to my categories?Spencerp’s solution looks correct to me, <? php wp_list_cats(); ?>, but remove the ‘space’ between the first ‘?’ and ‘php’. Then it should work.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Removing Indents From Main PageNot sure I follow, you want to remove the links altogether? Or just remove the indent they have?
If it’s just remove the indents, it would appear that all you will have to do is edit that links page template, remove all the
< ul >’s ,wihout the spaces of course, that appear (ul makes an indent), and possibly, although it is hard to tell, try editing your div class “storycontent” (it’ll be somewhere in your CSS file), that may also be adding some padding or an indent .