Forum Replies Created

Viewing 2 replies - 1 through 2 (of 2 total)
  • mybestpaintingsource


    Thank you Dan, that solves it! And thanks for the plugin!



    Hi, I have the same problem. My log is here:

    array (
      'settings' => 
      array (
        'props' => 
        array (
          'endpoint' => '',
          'defaultUserId' => '904SKYWO3126',
          'domestic' => 
          array (
            0 => 'US',
            1 => 'PR',
            2 => 'VI',
            3 => 'MH',
            4 => 'FM',
          'services' => 
          array (
            'EXPRESS_MAIL' => 
            array (
              'name' => 'Priority Mail Express?',
              'services' => 
              array (
                3 => 'Priority Mail Express?',
                2 => 'Priority Mail Express?, Hold for Pickup',
                23 => 'Priority Mail Express?, Sunday/Holiday',
            'PRIORITY_MAIL' => 
            array (
              'name' => 'Priority Mail?',
              'services' => 
              array (
                1 => 'Priority Mail?',
                33 => 'Priority Mail?, Hold For Pickup',
                18 => 'Priority Mail? Keys and IDs',
                47 => 'Priority Mail? Regional Rate Box A',
                48 => 'Priority Mail? Regional Rate Box A, Hold For Pickup',
                49 => 'Priority Mail? Regional Rate Box B',
                50 => 'Priority Mail? Regional Rate Box B, Hold For Pickup',
            'FIRST_CLASS' => 
            array (
              'name' => 'First-Class Mail?',
              'services' => 
              array (
                '0A' => 'First-Class Mail? Postcards',
                '0B' => 'First-Class Mail? Letter',
                '0C' => 'First-Class Mail? Large Envelope',
                '0D' => 'First-Class Mail? Parcel',
                12 => 'First-Class? Postcard Stamped',
                15 => 'First-Class? Large Postcards',
                19 => 'First-Class? Keys and IDs',
                61 => 'First-Class? Package Service',
                53 => 'First-Class? Package Service, Hold For Pickup',
                78 => 'First-Class Mail? Metered Letter',
            'STANDARD_POST' => 
            array (
              'name' => 'USPS Retail Ground?',
              'services' => 
              array (
                4 => 'USPS Retail Ground?',
            'MEDIA_MAIL' => 
            array (
              'name' => 'Media Mail',
              'services' => 
              array (
                6 => 'Media Mail',
            'LIBRARY_MAIL' => 
            array (
              'name' => 'Library Mail',
              'services' => 
              array (
                7 => 'Library Mail',
          'subservicesEnabled' => 
          array (
            3 => 'yes',
            2 => 'yes',
            23 => 'yes',
            1 => 'yes',
            33 => 'yes',
            18 => 'no',
            47 => 'yes',
            48 => 'yes',
            49 => 'yes',
            50 => 'yes',
            '0A' => 'no',
            '0B' => 'no',
            '0C' => 'no',
            '0D' => 'yes',
            12 => 'no',
            15 => 'no',
            19 => 'no',
            61 => 'yes',
            53 => 'yes',
            78 => 'no',
            4 => 'yes',
            6 => 'no',
            7 => 'no',
          'supports' => 
          array (
            0 => 'settings',
          'id' => 'usps_simple',
          'method_title' => 'USPS Simple',
          'method_description' => 'The <strong>USPS Simple</strong> plugin calculates rates for domestic shipping dynamically using USPS API during checkout.',
          'enabled' => 'yes',
          'title' => 'USPS Simple',
          'rates' => 
          array (
          'tax_status' => 'taxable',
          'fee' => NULL,
          'minimum_fee' => NULL,
          'instance_id' => 0,
          'instance_form_fields' => 
          array (
          'instance_settings' => 
          array (
          'availability' => NULL,
          'countries' => 
          array (
          'plugin_id' => 'woocommerce_',
          'errors' => 
          array (
          'data' => 
          array (
          'serviceDescription' => 'This controls the title which the customer sees during checkout.',
          'sender' => '85043',
          'userId' => 'mybestpaintingsource',
          'commercialRate' => 'yes',
          'groupByWeight' => 'yes',
          't_express_mail' => 'USPS Priority Mail Express',
          't_priority_mail' => 'USPS Priority Mail',
          't_first_class' => 'USPS First-Class Mail',
          't_standard_post' => 'USPS Retail Ground',
          't_media_mail' => 'Media Mail (USPS Simple)',
          't_library_mail' => 'Library Mail (USPS Simple)',
        'settings' => 
        array (
          'enabled' => 'yes',
          'sender' => '85043',
          'user_id' => 'mybestpaintingsource',
          'commercial_rate' => 'yes',
          'group_by_weight' => 'yes',
          'express_mail' => '',
          't_express_mail' => 'USPS Priority Mail Express',
          'express_mail_3' => 'yes',
          'express_mail_2' => 'yes',
          'express_mail_23' => 'yes',
          'priority_mail' => '',
          't_priority_mail' => 'USPS Priority Mail',
          'priority_mail_1' => 'yes',
          'priority_mail_33' => 'yes',
          'priority_mail_18' => 'no',
          'priority_mail_47' => 'yes',
          'priority_mail_48' => 'yes',
          'priority_mail_49' => 'yes',
          'priority_mail_50' => 'yes',
          'first_class' => '',
          't_first_class' => 'USPS First-Class Mail',
          'first_class_0A' => 'no',
          'first_class_0B' => 'no',
          'first_class_0C' => 'no',
          'first_class_0D' => 'yes',
          'first_class_12' => 'no',
          'first_class_15' => 'no',
          'first_class_19' => 'no',
          'first_class_61' => 'yes',
          'first_class_53' => 'yes',
          'first_class_78' => 'no',
          'standard_post' => '',
          't_standard_post' => 'USPS Retail Ground',
          'standard_post_4' => 'yes',
          'media_mail' => '',
          't_media_mail' => '',
          'media_mail_6' => 'no',
          'library_mail' => '',
          't_library_mail' => '',
          'library_mail_7' => 'no',
      'package' => 
      array (
        'contents' => 
        array (
          'b8428d3df2b2a11433a9b1067bf2f994' => 
          array (
            'key' => 'b8428d3df2b2a11433a9b1067bf2f994',
            'product_id' => 343,
            'variation_id' => 6983,
            'variation' => 
            array (
              'attribute_pa_box-size' => '10-lbs',
            'quantity' => 1,
            'data_hash' => '944889abbc810fcb89c5f36acb3e6392',
            'line_tax_data' => 
            array (
              'subtotal' => 
              array (
              'total' => 
              array (
            'line_subtotal' => 9.5,
            'line_subtotal_tax' => 0,
            'line_total' => 9.5,
            'line_tax' => 0,
            'product' => 
            array (
              'name' => 'White Sweatshirts Wipers - 10 lbs',
              'slug' => 'white-sweatshirts-wipers-10-lbs',
              'price' => '9.5',
              'regular_price' => '9.5',
              'sale_price' => '',
              'weight' => '10 lbs',
              'weight_lbs' => 10.0,
              'dimensions' => ' x  x  in',
              'dimensions_in' => ' x  x ',
        'contents_cost' => 9.5,
        'applied_coupons' => 
        array (
        'user' => 
        array (
          'ID' => 1,
        'destination' => 
        array (
          'country' => 'US',
          'state' => 'TX',
          'postcode' => '77008',
          'city' => 'Houston',
          'address' => '5675 jguh ghjgjghj',
          'address_1' => '5675 jguh ghjgjghj',
          'address_2' => '',
        'cart_subtotal' => '9.50',
        'rates' => 
        array (
      'requests' => 
      array (
        'ONLINE' => 'API=RateV4&XML=
    <RateV4Request USERID="mybestpaintingsource">
        <Package ID="group_by_weight_0:1:0:0:0:0">
        'STANDARD POST' => 'API=RateV4&XML=
    <RateV4Request USERID="mybestpaintingsource">
        <Package ID="group_by_weight_0:1:0:0:0:0">
            <Service>STANDARD POST</Service>
      'responses' => 
      array (
        'ONLINE' => 
        array (
          'headers' => 
             'data' => 
            array (
              'x-backside-transport' => 'OK OK',
              'host' => '',
              'user-agent' => 'WordPress/5.6.2;',
              'referer' => '',
              'cneonction' => 'close',
              'content-type' => 'text/xml',
              'client-ip' => '',
              'via' => '1.1 ApplicationError_XML_Firewall',
              'x-client-ip' => ',',
              'x-global-transaction-id' => 'ce7aa452605251135661f17f',
              'ns-client-ip' => '',
              'x-archived-client-ip' => '',
              'date' => 'Wed, 17 Mar 2021 18:57:23 GMT',
              'access-control-allow-origin' => '*',
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              'strict-transport-security' => 'max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains',
              'content-encoding' => 'gzip',
              'content-length' => '158',
          'body' => '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <Description>Username exceeds maximum length.</Description>
          'response' => 
          array (
            'code' => 200,
            'message' => 'OK',
          'cookies' => 
          array (
          'filename' => NULL,
        'STANDARD POST' => 
        array (
          'headers' => 
             'data' => 
            array (
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              'ns-client-ip' => '',
              'x-archived-client-ip' => '',
              'date' => 'Wed, 17 Mar 2021 18:57:24 GMT',
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              'content-encoding' => 'gzip',
              'content-length' => '158',
          'body' => '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <Description>Username exceeds maximum length.</Description>
          'response' => 
          array (
            'code' => 200,
            'message' => 'OK',
          'cookies' => 
          array (
          'filename' => NULL,
      'unitedResponse' => '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <Description>Username exceeds maximum length.</Description>
      'shownRates' => 
      array (
      'eliminatedRates' => 
      array (
Viewing 2 replies - 1 through 2 (of 2 total)