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  • Thread Starter mwarbinek


    Never-mind, I finally found the setting that activates the blue Elementor edit button in the Portfolio post editor.

    (I dislike the lack of instruction with plugins where we have to dig and dig for information for things that should be upfront)

    Anyway, to help others with this,

    To activate the Elementor editor button for a portfolio post, do the following,
    – install this Portfolio Post Type plugin,
    – Go to “Elementor > Settings > General tab”
    – check “Portfolio” selection (which is not there without this plugin)
    – save changes.

    Now the blue Elementor edit button option shows in the portfolio post editor.

    Suggestion for the Plugin Developer
    Since this plugin is required to use with Livemesh Addons for Elementor Page Builder – post grid module, and it is “Elementor”, I suggest to add to your WordPress plugin page under “Installation” the following,
    For use with Elementor,
    – Install, activate
    – Go to “Elementor > Settings > General tab”
    – Check “Portfolio” selection (which is not there without this plugin)
    – save changes.

    Thread Starter mwarbinek



    Yes, when in grid view, the default is the popup form, in list view the default is in page view.

    I have wondered why it is designed like this when the popup form is far more efficent, practical and makes more sense than the page view, where the design should have placed all editable details in the pop-up view – right column, that can scroll.

    Thread Starter mwarbinek


    Your image >

    This is not the edit media page I am speaking about, that screenshot you gave appears when editing an image from the WordPress text editor. That is a popup.

    What I speak about is going directly to the Media Library (Admin > Media), then either putting the media files in “list view” or in “card view”, then clicking the edit link to edit the file and meta data.

    When clicking “edit” the media file, you get this page,

    There is No “X” and no button to return, hence the issue as described above.

    Thread Starter mwarbinek


    Oh, I did test it, deactivate plugins and using the WordPress default theme and the problem remains.

    I am working on 2 separate websites, both have 2 different themes, both show the same issue. I also went into my 2 of business websites and the same issue there too.

    So over 4 different websites, 4 different themes, the same problem, the Edit Media page does not provide any button or link to return to the image library at the same image that was clicked to edit.

    I believe the problem is the “Edit Media” is a separate page, and each time it is updated, it creates another back-link as if the browser went to a different page (navigation history).

    If the “Edit Media” was a pop-up just like the “Add Media” method from the WordPress editor, then that provides the means to close the window and end back to where we started at the location we were last at.



    If I know my WordPress functions, currently WordPress Rest API also requires the active file “xmlrpc.php”.

    Some deactivated xmlrpc because it still used by hackers to spam the logins.

    Thread Starter mwarbinek


    Thanks for letting me know. ??

    I checked it, the plugin author only changed the status of the plugin in the WordPress plugin library, he did not update the plugin… which is fine, since it works fine in the current version of WordPress.

    At least now WordFence is not going to nag me about the plugin being abandoned.

    Thread Starter mwarbinek


    Allow me to give you some feedback regarding the visible status of plugin.

    Me and many many others view the current status of a plugin as a mark of ongoing support.

    This means that when we seek a plugin like yours and see that it has reached 6 months+ of no updates, based on knowing that other plugins get updated during that time, then to us that status is “old” and likely “unsupported” and that makes the plugin “untrustworthy”.

    Just because has such poor requirements for “status” of a plugin, does not mean you (a well known developer) should follow such low standards. Instead should work to keep a higher standard as “showing the plugin is still current” by simply doing something to create an updated status, even if that update is only to change its “current” status.

    Keep in mind as you read this, the majority of people using plugins are NOT developers, nor do they know what rules has for developers. They do require visible assurance a plugin is reliable. – it means you (developer) need to set an example.

    This is the main reason I came here and posted the question for a confirmation, because it was evident you wouldn’t have.

    Now this post topic/string is closed


    Thread Starter mwarbinek


    Thanks for the reply, but I need to confirm something.

    What reports? – do you refer to reports from users or reports from your own tests?

    If you refer to user reports, then how does this work if there are no user reports for a year or more, how does the plugin status get updated just the same so it shows as current to the WordPress version?


    Thread Starter mwarbinek


    Thanks for your reply.

    Still, someone who can speak for Edit Flow (Automattic) needs to come here and settle this plugin status issue.

    The one thing I know is completely irresponsible of plugin developers is to completely ignore a plugin they no longer support, allowing it to continue in downloads while it falls into code degradation where it ends up in conflict with WordPress and other related functions.

    All plugin developers have a responsibility to their plugins, to provide the support to a plugin they want to keep alive or “close” the plugin completely when they decide to shut down their involvement or when they decide to move it from Free status to Premium status,

    …but to Never leave it to rot, while people continue to download it, as it creates nothing but problems for WordPress users, which includes any security issues for their site, is pure irresponsibility.

    The responsibility to the plugin sits squarely on the developers shoulders, not the user’s shoulders.

    Thread Starter mwarbinek


    Emily Barney (@ebarney):
    Thanks for the information. It seems you are involved with this plugin, in someway, to be able to list so many of those type of references.

    Although, I would have to disagree with your last paragraph. Edit Flow plugin shows it has not been updated for the past 8 months (7 months at the start of this post string). The changelog for the “Free” version of this plugin shows the last update as January 10, 2018.

    Just because Automattic includes this plugin with some VIP package does nothing for the its dead-like status here.

    This is the main Support Forum for this free plugin version, not the other links. Many people who use it are no where near developer level and have no interest in it any further than being a user of the plugin. So as much as your links may offer assistance, it is only to a small few.

    What Automattic has to do is come here and settle this plugin status issue one way or the other and if they want to keep the “Free” version alive, update it in the current plugin repository.

    Does that make sense?

    GitHub: the Edit Flow plugin there is the same out of date one. Same change log and only tested to WordPress version 5.0.6.

    I looked at the other free plugin you listed “”, and I would say that it is not right to send people there thinking they are going to get help for the Edit Flow plugin when that support forum is for the PublishPress plugin.

    The place for Edit Flow (free) plugin has been established as here, not there.

    Thread Starter mwarbinek


    I have tracked down the current Developer for this Edit Flow plugin, it is Automattic.
    The other developers (contributors) of this plugin are no longer involved.

    I have sent a message to Automattic to come to this support forum and settle this matter about the plugin’s life, whether they are going to continue support and development or is it officially dead.

    I am hoping they respond.

    As a note, it is pretty irresponsible to keep this plugin in the repository and support forum open when they no longer want to support it. They should have removed it from and closed this forum.

    Also a note to others, your issues with the plugin are likely due to the lack of updates and compatibility with WordPress versions that are higher than 5.0.6

    Thread Starter mwarbinek


    I cannot use the new version of the Maintenance plugin because, as you have said, “problems” as several or many. So to be able to use it, I copied the older version from another website over to my clients website. I would rather work with an older version that is stable and useable than take chances with a version that causes nothing but headaches.

    As for the “Send configuration information” box, haven’t seen that one on my site. Where is that found or how does it come up?

    Fruitcode has not replied yet, these issues just came out right after their 3.7 version update.

    They will resolve this, I have found they were pretty good on keeping tabs on issues that need further updates and I suspect they still intend to keep the Admin button available too.

    I also think they rushed this update because of the hoopla that occurred when removed their plugin.

    This issue maybe caused by their functions.php file in their plugin folder “includes”.

    This current 3.7 update has caused a lot of issues, so the maintenance button in Admin toolbar may return after they fix these issues.

    See one of the issues posted here:

    Looks like their functions.php file in their includes folder is not playing nice with anything WordPress.

    Issue caused and posted here:

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