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  • Thread Starter muzKore


    SOLVED. The issue was that the MultiPHP editor had priority over setting the PHP in the cPAnel > PHP version. Once I updated the version in the MultiPHP editor, the plugin could be upgraded. That makes a lot more sense as everything in the plugin settigns appeared to be correct.

    “PHP 8.x has been with us for a while now, so much so that even PHP 8.0 has only security support, and we should mainly use PHP 8.1 and PHP 8.2.”


    In other words, any issues like errors or crashes is most likely due to plugins not keeping up to date with the WordPress and PHP minimum requirements. When a plugin is trying to do the right thing like Dynamic conditions, turning you attention to the other plugin(s) which crashed your website and asking why they are not keeping up to standard should be the approach.

    Please consider that PHP is a fundamental of WordPress and PHP version 8 came out 3 years ago. The issue with plugins showing errors is because plugin developers have been given years to upgrade to Version 8 which is more robust, more secure, has new features, more secure in protecting websites and faster. Dynamic Conditions upgrading to version 8 is what all plugin developers should be doing and maybe instead of giving DC one star, you should be getting on the backs of the plugin devs who are dragging their feet.

    I have the same issue and it seems to happen when I update the plugin.

    I’ve gone to the feed pages as mentioned above and reconnected the feed and the error stayed there and kept saying it needed to be fixed. I even removed the source and re-added it and it still had the error.

    In order to get the error message to go away and the plugin to work, I had to totally remove the plugin and re-add it. This has happened on multiple sites with multiple Instagram accounts and I hope I don’t have to do this every time the plugin updates.

    Is there something I am doing wrong? It can’t be like this for everyone.

    Thread Starter muzKore


    Ah. Found it.
    Left sidebar > WPForms > Settings > Misc > Hide Admin Bar Menu (tick it)
    Click Save Settings.

    Thread Starter muzKore


    Just a note that I found a work around that does the job for the time being.

    $author = coauthors_posts_links( null, null, null, null, false );
    $author_prefix = (strpos( $author_string , ' and ' ) !== false) ? 'Authors' : 'Author' ;

    This returns the Authors (instead of outputting to the screen) and puts them into a $author variable. I can then test if there is a string of ‘ and ‘ in the $author variable. If it finds it, then there is more than one author. Obviously it would break if a person has the word ‘and’ in their name.

    As I said, a temporary workaround till I get my question answered.




    Hey all
    Go into the wp-content/plugins/editor-full-width/gutenbergfullwidth.php

    Swap out the function editor_full_width_gutenberg() line 21 – 36 for the following.

    function editor_full_width_gutenberg() {
      echo '
        .block-editor__container .wp-block {
            max-width: none !important;
    	.editor-styles-wrapper {
    	    padding: 5% !important;
        /*code editor*/
        .edit-post-text-editor__body {
        	max-width: none !important;	
        	margin-left: 5%;
        	margin-right: 5%;

    Increase or decrease the 5% to meet your preference.

    It would be great if it was possible to have a setting in the plugin where you could add a padding % or px.

    Props to the dev for making this plugin which has helped out a lot. The narrow editor was driving me NUTS!!!

    • This reply was modified 4 years ago by muzKore. Reason: syntax typo


    Can this fix be added to the plugin if that is possible as it appears to me as well and would be great to have it fixed.

    Forgot to say a big thanks to @lavir

    Peace and props.

    • This reply was modified 4 years ago by muzKore. Reason: Forgot to say thanks!
    Thread Starter muzKore


    Cheers @tschortsch. I totally get about not wanting to break the plugin reliability and I appreciate your flexability in considering the implementation of the classes to the inner row div if possible. I really believe that it would seal the deal and open the plugin into a full blown must have for all BS4 WP page authors. As for the ID, your totally right about Gutenberg. It would be great to have WP implement that as some people may want to anchor or target with a scripting language or lib.
    Peace and props.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by muzKore. Reason: Marked as resolved
    Thread Starter muzKore


    Oh, I used the inspector to change the code from the top example to the bottom and it worked perfectly. Hope that helps. Cheers.

    Thread Starter muzKore


    Hi Matt
    Thanks for your response.
    I did find that there was an enqueue script in the parent theme for FA5.1 for font awesome and I removed it via a dequeue in the child theme.
    The interesting thing is that as a test, I deactivated the ACF FA plugin and only ver 5 would load as it is being loaded by another plugin (Advanced Menu Editor Pro). When I enabled the ACF FA plugin, it also loaded 4.7.0.
    <link rel=’stylesheet’ id=’font-awesome-css’ href=’; type=’text/css’ media=’all’ /> as part of the wp_footer();.
    When I went into the plugin when choosing an icon in an ACF field group, it is adding the ver 4 FA classes. Eg. the Facebook icon in v4 uses the classes ‘fa-facebook’ where as ver 5 of FA uses ‘fab fa-facebook-f’. When I include it in the front end, the v4 FA classes are bring included and both FA 4.7.0 and 5.1 are being loaded and the icons don’t display.
    As a work around, I added an extra field in the ACF field group so that I could write in the FA v5 classes which override the icon. It’s a work around but it means the client would have to go and source the class names every time they want to change or add one.

    Thanks for your time. Really appreciate it.


    Thread Starter muzKore


    An update
    I added a text fieldso I could manually add in the classes which then populate the i tag in the link. It’s a workaround but it would be good to know what I am doing wrong as I believe the client will be expecting to add links.


    If you have not already worked it out, add the following to your CSS to make the close button show on all devices. (Make sure your stylesheet comes after the plugin inclusion or it may reset the setting).

    .litebox-overlay .litebox-close {
        display: block !important;

    Adding the HTML5 global hidden attribute as far as I know cannot be done. Am happy to be proven wrong. What you could do is just have a class in your CSS called .hidden { display:none; } and add that instead.

    [checkbox chk id:check-box class:chk-bk class:hidden]

    Hope I got that right.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by muzKore. Reason: Spelling mistake DOH!!!
    Thread Starter muzKore


    Hi Jules
    Thanks for your reply and apologies for the delay in responding. A big thank you for considering the feature request.

    Hoping you had a great Christmas and New Year.


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