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  • Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: WP Widget: Quick SMS
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    Final Update (again!) On request the plugin now includes support for use as a non-widget for those that prefer it that way.

    Automatically switches between widget/non-widget versions depending on whether the Sidebar Widgets plugin is installed.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: WP Widget: IM Online
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    Plugin updated & download now at new location:

    IM Online v2.8 (Released June 3rd 2006)

    If one of the moderators would like to update the links above that would be much appreciated (just replace with

    Thread Starter mutube


    Thanks HandySolo.

    Correct download link is now from this page:

    IM Online v2.8

    If you or one of the other moderators would like to update the links above that would be much appreciated. Thanks.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: WP Widget: Quick SMS
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    Quick SMS v2.0

    Networks in the United States, UK, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Austria & Australia are now supported. Check directory for all supported networks.

    Click here for download & installation instructions.

    This is the final stable release of Quick SMS, development is now focused on developing SMS Comments, an SMS comment notification plugin with spam protection.

    Phew! Someone else decided to do the work.

    Otto: About turning it into a non-widget. I’ve converted most my widgets into dual-widget-plugin style & with the practise I’ve got it down to a knack.

    I’m putting together a sort of “How To” on the subject so will hurry it along & upload for all to enjoy.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [New Plugin] Ubernyms

    Just had a little snoop around the site & must say I love the implementation of the popouts you have just now.

    I could see real powerful uses if something like this pulled from the destination of a link – a summary of the article pointed to for example.

    Got me thinking now…

    This might be outside Worpress scope (browser plugin territory) but if you’d be interested in a chat about doing something like that give me an email.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [New Plugin] Ubernyms

    Jaykul: Reading what you said about ugly tooltip stuff and thought I’d suggest another way of doing things. It’s possible to use plain CSS to pop-out text from an abbreviation:

    abbr span{display:none;}
    abbr:hover span{display:inline;}

    <abbr>H<span>yper </span>T<span>ext </span>M<span>arkup </span>L<span>anguage </span></abbr>

    A bit more involved coding-wise maybe but you may enjoy!

    Example here.

    Not sure why you would want to copy your images as this is going to eat into your hosting space pretty quickly.

    If you’re on a unix host you can create a “symlink” directory (i.e a ‘fake’ directory which points to another one) – ask your host.

    Is it another plugin that needs files in the gallery folder (or in wp-photos), perhaps you could just change the source of that to point to your preferred location?

    Just a thought ??

    I’ve not seen one before but it sounds like a good idea – let me know if you find one. If nobody else gets there first I’ll have a crack at one tomorrow ??

    (today’s my first day off work in over a month!)

    Puts feet up

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Dynamic OPTIONS

    Sorry nearly missed this – you’re wanting a new post to be generated in the blog when the plugin is activated?

    Is this a blank page or to have something in it?

    To be honest you’re possibly asking for trouble (multiple pages on stop/restart/etc.) but it’s certainly do-able!

    Let me know what you’re trying to achieve and will give it a look.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Dead?

    I think it’s dead to be honest. When I was trying to register my plugins I couldn’t find anything on the site at all.

    A single plugin repository, under would make a lot of sense ( is good but is it “official”?)

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Dynamic OPTIONS

    No problem & thanks ?? Post back if you need any more help.

    Good luck with the site.

    Ok, what you’ve got set up is the No-IP isn’t sending traffic direct to your computer. It’s wrapping frames around it & then sending it on. If you go to your site and then go to View->Source in your browser you’ll see that there actually isn’t any content, just a link to

    That means any visitors are connecting to that IP address (yours) but your domain does not point to your computer, it still points to the No-IP servers.

    Another problem is that anyone visiting your site will not be able to see the URL of the page they are on (not good for bookmarks).

    I’m guessing you’ve set some option somewhere which is making this happen, though I’m not familiar enough with No-IP to be able advise you.

    Ideally you’ll have to add a VirtualHost for this domain to your httpd.conf file and change the settings in No-IP to stop it using frames to redirect.

    This is all getting a bit off-topic for a WordPress list. If you want to try and work this out click through to my site & contact me from there.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Dynamic OPTIONS

    while($_POST{'wphr_qualification' . $x}!='') { $qualifications[$x]=$_POST{'wphr_qualification'.$x};

    update_option('wphr_qualification', $qualifications);

    Will do just fine. When you retrieve with $qualifications=get_option('wphr_qualification'); they will be available like:

    $qualifications["1"] for the first Qual.

    You do know by the way that you can store more than one option under a heading using arrays, e.g.


    update_option('wphr_options', $options);

    Just in case you’re overcomplicating things for yourself. That’s where the $options['qualifications']=$qualifications; came into it.

    Good luck,

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: time

    In what way is it not the correct time? i.e.

    How many hours out?
    Which way?
    Is it consitently the same amount?

    Without knowing that it could be anything! ??

    It’s probably your timezone settings / where you’re blog is hosted. If it’s in a different country to you the time will be different.

    Options->General will help you here.

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