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  • Thank you it solved my query perfectly

    Thank you for the solution, Mr Anderson.
    (Why do I feel like I’m in the Matrix?)


    Worked for me (using Tiny Url of course)

    Tried and tested.

    I don’t know how WordPress MU works or what Buddypress is but here are two things I have found out:

    1) When editing a page / post, if you add HTML imagemap code into the Text editor (rather than switching to the HTML editor) it will disappear as you’ve shown. Solution: always switch to HTML editor to add HTML (sorry if it sounds obvious)

    2) If you’re using a hosted site you can’t use any additional HTML code (or javascript etc). This is to keep THEIR servers safe and working.

    For anyone else interested, I helped madhatterdesign get this working here:

    Click on the counties to see how it works. Remember – you can’t use this HTML image map in a WordPress-hosted, ‘’ blog, it has to be a self-hosted, ‘’ site.




    Tweet This kills my blog too. Actually, it totally killed one of my client sites about two weeks ago – which cost me and my server guy a good couple of hours of misery.

    Luckily we had a server backup from the day before. If we hadn’t, that would have been curtains for me as a WordPress designer.

    Is this just the way it is with ‘open source’? I’m getting bored of the ‘upgrade-fail-panic-fix-upgrade-fail-panic-fix-upgrade’ cycle I have no control over – other than to get out of the game completely, which I’m considering.

    Hmm. Since upgrade to WP 2.6.3 I’ve LOST my All in ONE SEO on the ‘Manage Pages’ page.

    It shows on ‘Manage Posts’ but not ‘manage pages’.

    It’s working on the pages, but it’s lost the All In ONE control box, so I can’t make any alterations.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Should come standard…

    Yep full stars ??
    Wordpress is a clunky interface (how many times have I posted a post instead of a page???) etc

    The second-to-last (non beta) version messed up my site with php errors.. and then I almost couldn’t delete the files (kept telling me it couldn’t delete the plugin folder because xyz files couldn’t be found…)

    Pity – looked like a good idea, but I’ve given up on it

    Update: just checked and 1and1 run php 4.4.9 so that makes sense with what truthmedia is saying.

    Wish my client had gone with my request to host this site elsewhere in the first place. Gnnnrrrrr.

    Hi aulorg – I’m gettting the same error. I’m building a site for someone on a domain that’s hosted by 1and1. That ‘homepages’ makes me think that your hosting provider’s 1and1, too?

    Next step is to call 1and1 and see what PHP they run…

    Actually, what I’m doing is moving the whole damn thing to a host I know runs PHP 5 and where I’ve got other sites that run Form Builder fine.

    Problem with 1and1 (as far as I can see) is that the server is slow (shared with a million other people) and it’s a premium number any time you want support …. from India.

    Can understand your view, syncbox.

    I bought the plugin and struggled to get it to work (it blew up early on). I only managed to get it working again thanks to a suggestion on the forum somewhere from another user.

    I agree this is badly supported for a commercial product. I even bought a second copy (that makes me TWICE a customer!) for a client site. That blew up immediately (making me look stupid). Maybe it’s not the plugin – but without any support, how would I know?

    I just checked the forum over at Shift This and there’s no reply to my query – and you’re right, the forum is full of negative press. Just look at the tags!

    Its a real shame. That plugin is half-way to being a great product and with the right attitude, the guy could have made a lot of money. With a little more work and a LOT more support, I would have bought copy after copy for my clients, and I’m sure other designers would have, too.

    Jym, it has taken me literally DAYS to find this thread.

    Vaughan, thank you for coming up with what I suspected was the answer – that shortcodes don’t ‘just work’; that you have to do all kind of complicated things (function code) that would leave a newcomer to WP reaching for his coat.

    I love WP but I hate this aspect of it:

    ? newcomer wants to put a single category of post on a page
    ? spends days searching until he finds ‘list category post’ plugin
    ? installs plugin expecting it do DO something??
    ? spends days doing what Jym was doing wondering why it doesn’t work
    ? spends more days discovering that you can’t just use ‘shortcodes’
    ? walks away thinking all I want is some code to display posts from one category… how hard can it be???

    Answer, very hard – impossibly so for a relative newcomer.

    The CSS code that OTto gave worked for me.

    I’m NO php or CSS expert (bare beginner) but I can see that the additional code will modify how the browser displays the text / image.

    Unless I’m mistaken, we’re ending up with themes whose basic CSS can’t deal with the alignment codes that 2.6 is generating?

    In which case we all need to get friendly with these kinds of CSS ‘upgrades’ in order to fix.

    Thanks for this thread.

    Here’s what I’m finding with my blog:

    ? the A-I-O SEO Home Title re-write works
    ? A-I-O SEO page title rewrites NOT being found in Google

    ? Normal, non-A-I-O SEO post titles DO work quickly, powerfully in Google

    In other words, the only place I’ve found A-I-O SEO working at all on my site is the home title rewrite.

    Other than that, it has totally lost all my other pages. I’m going to explore tweaking post titles (as per your video, Dave) but I expect that to lose those posts in Google, too.

    The stupid thing is that when I DIDN’T use A-I-O SEO, my static pages were easily – and quickly – indexed in Google.

    Getagrip, I just tried to go to the old themes library and got a message saying ‘this blog has been suspended due to violation of terms of use’ or something.

    I tell you what, choosing a wordpress theme is THE single hardest part of starting a wordpress project. Now its got even harder. If you go to the new themes gallery (the one you mention) you’ll notice that there isn’t ANYWHERE on the page a way to list all the themes.

    A designer like me wants to explore visually not by tags or searching for something I don’t know exists yet. Doh!

    Because all this is open source with nobody ‘owning’ it, the result is zero ‘usability’ because nobody seems to be standing back and saying “Hmmm does this make the process of selecting a theme any easier??”.

    What that leads to is a million Adsense-packed blogs ‘showcasing’ the same themes…

    Its seriously enough to make some start designing their own themes from scratch ??

    Same with the plugins, btw. Go there and see if you can get an overview (list?????) of what plugins are available.

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