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  • Negativ – Sir. Looks fine with my Chrome (WinXp64). Picture is scaled properly and navigaton buttons (<< and >>) are where they are supposed to be. No scrolling needed

    I′ve just tested my installation with Chrome 8 (because you scared me a little bit). But everything looks absolutely as it should. Couldn′t find any problem. Maybe you have a local problem?

    If you use Firefox install Firebug Addon and klick on the item that you want to change the border-color. Go on “styles” in the right pane and look (or try out) what css code is responsible for the coloring.

    I think IE8 has a similar feature called Developer Tools.

    Did you use the visual editor to enter the code? Check with html-editor because sometimes there is formatting-code in there that is not displayed by the visual editor but prevents the plugin from showing up correctly.

    Thread Starter MuggelKid


    I’ve implemented a solution for the Safe-Mode problem, as I think it could be solved:

    In /admin/functions.php replace this code:

    // 1. Check for existing folder
    	                if ( is_dir(WINABSPATH . $defaultpath . $name ) ) {
    	                        $suffix = 1;
    	                        do {
    	                                $alt_name = substr ($name, 0, 200 - ( strlen( $suffix ) + 1 ) ) . "_$suffix";
    	                                $dir_check = is_dir(WINABSPATH . $defaultpath . $alt_name );
    	                        } while ( $dir_check );
    	                        $name = $alt_name;
                        // define relative path to gallery inside wp root folder
                        $nggpath = $defaultpath . $name;
    	                // 2. Create new gallery folder
    	                if ( !wp_mkdir_p (WINABSPATH . $nggpath) )
    	                  $txt  = __('Unable to create directory ', 'nggallery').$nggpath.'!<br />';
    	                // 3. Check folder permission
    	                if ( !is_writeable(WINABSPATH . $nggpath ) )
    	                        $txt .= __('Directory', 'nggallery').' <strong>'.$nggpath.'</strong> '.__('is not writeable !', 'nggallery').'<br />';
    	                // 4. Now create thumbnail folder inside
    	                if ( !is_dir(WINABSPATH . $nggpath . '/thumbs') ) {
    	                        if ( !wp_mkdir_p ( WINABSPATH . $nggpath . '/thumbs') )
    	                                $txt .= __('Unable to create directory ', 'nggallery').' <strong>' . $nggpath . '/thumbs !</strong>';
    	                if (SAFE_MODE) {
    	                        $help  = __('The server setting Safe-Mode is on !', 'nggallery');
    	                        $help .= '<br />'.__('If you have problems, please create directory', 'nggallery').' <strong>' . $nggpath . '</strong> ';
    	                        $help .= __('and the thumbnails directory', 'nggallery').' <strong>' . $nggpath . '/thumbs</strong> '.__('with permission 777 manually !', 'nggallery');
    	                        if ($output) nggGallery::show_message($help);
    	                // show a error message
    	                if ( !empty($txt) ) {
    	                        if (SAFE_MODE) {
    	                        // for safe_mode , better delete folder, both folder must be created manually
    	                                @rmdir(WINABSPATH . $nggpath . '/thumbs');
    	                                @rmdir(WINABSPATH . $nggpath);
    	                        if ($output) nggGallery::show_error($txt);
    	                        return false;


    if (SAFE_MODE) {
                // define relative path to gallery inside wp root folder
                $nggpath = $defaultpath . $name;
                // Only check for existing gallery an thumbs folders
                if ( (!is_dir(WINABSPATH . $nggpath) ) || (!is_dir(WINABSPATH . $nggpath . '/thumbs') ) ){
                    $help  = __('The server setting Safe-Mode is on !', 'nggallery');
                    $help .= '<br />'.__('If you have problems, please create directory', 'nggallery').' <strong>' . $nggpath . '</strong> ';
                    $help .= __('and the thumbnails directory', 'nggallery').' <strong>' . $nggpath . '/thumbs</strong> '.__('with permission 777 manually !', 'nggallery');
                    if ($output) nggGallery::show_message($help);            
                    if ( !is_dir(WINABSPATH . $nggpath))             $txt .= __('Directory must exist: ', 'nggallery').$nggpath.'!<br />';
                    if ( !is_dir(WINABSPATH . $nggpath . '/thumbs')) $txt .= __('Directory must exist: ', 'nggallery').$nggpath . '/thumbs! <br />';
                    if ($output) nggGallery::show_error($txt);
                    return false;
            else {
                // 1. Check for existing folder
                if ( is_dir(WINABSPATH . $defaultpath . $name ) ) {
                    $suffix = 1;
                    do {
                        $alt_name = substr ($name, 0, 200 - ( strlen( $suffix ) + 1 ) ) . "_$suffix";
                        $dir_check = is_dir(WINABSPATH . $defaultpath . $alt_name );
                    } while ( $dir_check );
                    $name = $alt_name;
                // define relative path to gallery inside wp root folder
                $nggpath = $defaultpath . $name;
                // 2. Create new gallery folder
                if ( !wp_mkdir_p (WINABSPATH . $nggpath) )
                  $txt  = __('Unable to create directory ', 'nggallery').$nggpath.'!<br />';
                // 3. Check folder permission
                if ( !is_writeable(WINABSPATH . $nggpath ) )
                    $txt .= __('Directory', 'nggallery').' <strong>'.$nggpath.'</strong> '.__('is not writeable !', 'nggallery').'<br />';
                // 4. Now create thumbnail folder inside
                if ( !is_dir(WINABSPATH . $nggpath . '/thumbs') ) {
                    if ( !wp_mkdir_p ( WINABSPATH . $nggpath . '/thumbs') )
                        $txt .= __('Unable to create directory ', 'nggallery').' <strong>' . $nggpath . '/thumbs !</strong>';
                // show a error message
                if ( !empty($txt) ) {
                    if ($output) nggGallery::show_error($txt);
                    return false;

    But of course hacking the plugin-files is not the best idea, as after an update these changes are gone.

    I too have problem with e-mail.

    I installed 3.0 new (no previous 2.9.x) and “some” e-mail don′t find it′s way to me.

    Adding a new user information-mail always works.
    New Comment mail only works in 1 of 10 cases (???) (comment from same IP address, same user, same e-mail worked once, didn’t work many times)

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