Forum Replies Created

Viewing 14 replies - 16 through 29 (of 29 total)
  • Thread Starter mudiya2610


    @bojan – WPMU DEV

    Theme Name: university-child Theme
    Theme URI:
    Description: A theme that can be used for educational, academic, institutions or business websites. Fully responsive. Front page image slider. Featured posts or pages below the slider. Integrated social media icon fonts, 11 available. Easily upload your logo image.
    Author: Viva Themes
    Author URI:
    Template: university
    Version: 1.0.3
    @import url("../university/style.css");
    University Theme, (C) 2014 Viva Themes
      min-height: 100%;
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    this is the code …
    i added what you said but of no use.
    its frustrating.
    i dont know what is the issue.

    Thread Starter mudiya2610


    Thread Starter mudiya2610


    Thread Starter mudiya2610


    i figured it out.
    but now i am facing another problem.
    When i select about us menu bar…it shhows its subitmes.Very first subitem is over-alpping with the menubar option below it.
    How to fix this error.
    can anyonehelp ?:(

    Thread Starter mudiya2610


    I asked them.They arent replying.
    any help would be appreciated

    Thread Starter mudiya2610


    Thread Starter mudiya2610


    How do I change the hover colour when hover over drop down menu items?

    This is my site.
    please help.

    Thread Starter mudiya2610


    Thankyou so very much ??

    Thread Starter mudiya2610


    Thankyou so very much ??

    Thread Starter mudiya2610


    This is the link to the packages of webhosting-domain…
    which would be best for my small event website?

    Thread Starter mudiya2610


    SorinGc as i am new to WP and everything …
    i dont knw…
    search it on google.may be you can find the solution.

    Thread Starter mudiya2610


    BobNwp,RossMitchell,catacaustic thankyou very much ??
    i got the point.
    now i am looking for webhosting+domain packages…
    I am making a website for my university for this type of website…
    would it be enough ?????
    or should i go for other package?

    Thread Starter mudiya2610


    do i have toinstal mysql ?
    whats the easy way ?



    i am new in WP.
    Before buying domain name,webhosting etc etc…
    i want to clear things.
    do i need to instal mysql database on my laptop and connect it to the WP ?
    if i am connecting my own database with my WP site.
    what will be the use of that main server database.i dont get it.
    kindly explain it to me so that i can get started today with my FIRST website.

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