13 years ago
yes i understand
i just create a page for update Custom Meta and some date for all post;
that page just for admin or manager, not for any user;
it output fast; my site now have about 300posts, output just less 5sec;
i changed the MemoryLimit 32to 64M now;
This problem has been solved
THANKS for replay; but i get the same problem, and find out to Solve it:
~/wp-includes/default-constants.php #line 23:
change the number more than you need, like 64M or more;
i get the same problem, and find out to Solve it:
13 years, 6 months ago
i got it, (“SELECT meta_key FROM $wpdb->postmeta WHERE meta_value = ‘HarryPotter'”);
add id to
(“SELECT meta_key FROM $wpdb->postmeta WHERE meta_value = ‘HarryPotter’ and post_id = ‘$post->ID'”);
ok, i get it! thanks for answer my first question~
and more, if HarryPotter from a Variable like $name2, how to get it?