Forum Replies Created
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: pw protected pages dont work after wp upgradeHello,
Your page/password appeared to work when I just tested it. I’m having the same problem and wondered if you had any suggestions?
SamI know but I would really like to be able to use PTE to edit all the sizes, its much each easier to train people to use one method and PTE is far more intuitive.
Its displaying all my custom images sizes so I presume its feasible to populate the full size image in there too?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Post Thumbnail Editor] [Plugin: Post Thumbnail Editor] Not working properlyI was sure I had responded to this post; sorry about that
I cleared my browsers cache and all the resized images showed up; it had nothing to do with CF7 in the end, not my problem at least
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Post Thumbnail Editor] [Plugin: Post Thumbnail Editor] Not working properlyHello,
Log is here This was captured after resizing and with CF7 off.
To recap; the thumbnails are updated in the PTE wizard but not used in the site, even the one that isn’t a custom size (ie thumbnail).
It makes perfect sense.
I also think an exclude text box would be awesome!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Post Thumbnail Editor] [Plugin: Post Thumbnail Editor] Not working properlyI will try and find a moment when I can disable CF7 and get back to you.
How can I generate the debug log?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Post Thumbnail Editor] [Plugin: Post Thumbnail Editor] Not working properlyI haven’t enabled any other plugins since it did work and the only one updated recently is Contact Form 7.
I just tried adding a non-required text field and it didn’t show the tag when it was left empty… but my checkbox field did show its tag
I got it too but only on the non-required checkbox I have added after the update… the other text field that is non required is not adding its tag.
What fields are you seeing this behaviour with?
I’m having the same problem.
I want to remove certain categories from the list but it just repopulates.
This happens with any of the fields you can link to custom taxonomies; Radio and Drop Down.
The changes arn’t being saved at all because you can’t save renamed categories either.
Forum: Alpha/Beta/RC
In reply to: A few questions about media uploadsCan anyone poke me in the right direction?
Should I just submit the above to get the ball rolling?
Forum: Alpha/Beta/RC
In reply to: A few questions about media uploadsSo I was digging around on to see if anyone else was discussing/suggesting solutions that would fix my issue. I found this but I don’t think its quite relevant; is it?
Made me think though that as there clearly isn’t a filter or hook (could someone confirm which I’m searching for) to tap into then, I (we) would need to submit something and press for it to be included in the next release.
I was thinking of something last night like this
function set_resize_on_upload_options() { $resize_image_h = get_option('large_size_h', 750); $resize_image_w = get_option('large_size_w', 750); } <script type="text/javascript"> var resize_height = <?php echo $resize_image_h; ?>, resize_width = <?php echo $resize_image_w; ?>, wpUploaderInit = <?php echo json_encode($plupload_init); ?>; </script>
My patchy knowledge hints that as the variables are enclosed in a function you could just substitute that function in your own functions.php or maybe it needs a hook within the function.
Even if Im way off any nudges in the right direction would be great so I can start a campaign to get this noticed.
Many Thanks!
Forum: Alpha/Beta/RC
In reply to: A few questions about media uploadsthis
set_user_setting ('upload_resize', true);
in funtions.php seems to automatically check the boxForum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: image bug Twenty Ten – how to fix in child themeAnybody had any luck with this…
Extra specificity doesn’t work… in fact its quite odd whats happening.
Using Chrome’s tools you can see that it is apparently taking the properties specified in the image tag and that it is ‘ignoring’ the child stylesheet which I had set to:
#main #content .hentry img { height: inherit; width: inherit; }
But that is also ‘ignoring’ the parent stylesheet which is:
#content img { height: auto; width: auto; }
However when you uncheck the struck out style properties the images resize as set by the img tag…. odd!
I can’t see a way out of this without editing the parent (no thanks) or with other bits off css… ideas?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Adding JavaScirpt to with a short code??Here is a another way to add scripts based upon a shortcode…
it does add the script to the footer but it turns out shortcodes are processed too late (after the headers have been sent) to add scripts to the head section
With my problem I’m keeping php functions to a minimum and having the shortcode link the elements to different Java by using different classes…