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  • Thread Starter Craig Reynolds


    One thing I learned from reviewing many posts on these “blank pages” issues is that 90+% of the time, the fault lies with the person doing the installing, not in the software. PHP is very sensitive to its environment and to junk in the script (as are all programs.)

    My case was no different. The clue was “used GoLive to upload.” Well, somewhere along the line, I had opened the index.php file with GoLive, and that (*&^%$#$%^& program added this line to the top of the script:
    <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”iso-8859-1″?>
    This is all it took to blow it up. I discovered this problem by looking at the server error logs, which told me : PHP Parse error: unexpected T_STRING in …/blog/index.php on line 1

    For what it’s worth to future seekers: look at your own setup before casting aspersions on this fine software.

    Thread Starter Craig Reynolds


    At first the install page came up blank, and I did delete all and got a copy of FileZilla and re-uploaded. (I had used GoLive the first try.)

    That fixed everything but the index. Should I just start over with a new download from WordPress?

    Thread Starter Craig Reynolds


    All the main screens work [write] [edit] [categories] [links] [users] [options] [plugins] [templates] [profile] – but just not [View Site]!!

    Thread Starter Craig Reynolds


    Thanks, macmanx. I read those last night before posting and they didn’t look like my case. I am mostly needing help on how to go about trouble-shooting this. They mentioned server error reports. How do I find those?

    Thread Starter Craig Reynolds


    Thanks one and all.

    I installed FileZilla, deleted and re-uploaded the whole system (using FileZilla instead of Adobe GoLive FTP) and the rest worked as designed. I am up and running.

    Hope I can get to the place where I can be of use to others…

    Thread Starter Craig Reynolds


    OK, I’ll find a better one.

    Should I delete my /blog/ directory and then create the directory again with another FTP client before I re-upload it, or is there more house-cleaning needed before I do that?

    And, thanks everybody…

    Thread Starter Craig Reynolds


    I am using Adobe GoLive’s internal Publish to Server FTP to upload files.

    Thread Starter Craig Reynolds


    podz: What version would work? The documentation sez: PHP version 4.1 or higher

    2fargon: here is my wp-config.php (with comments taken out – and my MySQL details, of course)
    define("DB_NAME", "db_MySQL settings");
    define("DB_USER", "MySQL settings");
    define("DB_PASSWORD", "MySQL settings");
    define("DB_HOST", "localhost");
    $table_prefix = "wp_";
    define ("WPLANG", "");
    $server = DB_HOST;
    $loginsql = DB_USER;
    $passsql = DB_PASSWORD;
    $base = DB_NAME;
    define("ABSPATH", dirname(__FILE__)."/");

    Anything wrong here? Do I need to specify a WPLANG?

    Thread Starter Craig Reynolds


    OK, read those. And I even understand some of it.

    phpinfo gives me this :
    Apache/1.3.33 (Unix) PHP/4.3.10 mod_ssl/2.8.22 OpenSSL/0.9.7d

    and MySQL is API version 4.0.18

    and loaded modules includes: mod_rewrite

    I have been running phpbb without any trouble for many moons. I have WordPress installed thusly:

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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