yes, bought, installed and using the advanced Download Monitor field.
More testing reveals it does not work on my ipad using google app or safari browser. And does not work in any browser on my Windows 8 surface (IE/Chrome/Mozilla).
Get the same message on all – You do not have permission to access this download. Go to homepage →
But oddly enough it still works on my laptop windows 7 in chrome and firefox not my IE11. And I have tried both ways of being signed in and logged out of my WP sites. Here is a link to what I am testing. All fields have to be filled out.
Here is the code on the page for download –
<img class=” wp-image-259 size-full alignnone” src=”
content/uploads/2014/12/download-orange-1.jpg” alt=”download-orange-1″ width=”180″ height=”60″ />
<div id=”gravity_form” style=”display: none;”>[download id=”596″]</div>
Thanks, Roberta